Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Women's Mercy our overflow...and a Mission Update



 The above is a link  to our blog for MERCY, we are doing a fund raiser MAY 10th called a fund run for people who rides motorcycles. We think at the low number it would bring in around $5,000 with the high number at about $9,000 or better.


We also think that these motorcycle people who will be there are a working class people with some clear up like attorney’s and doctors etc and of course blue collar workers…. This info came from Harley.


I think that the support needed will come from some of them making monthly donations, we are not seeking millions to run the place only about $2,500 a month….


So we have to make this happen, This Friday there is an event at Harley and we need to go there and talk to people they said, we need more fliers printed the colored ones are $ .46 each we need a 1000.


We can use black and white they run $.10 a copy and we could use 2000 of these for Friday…..and as many colored as we can get…


Also I badly need a computer to place at the church for the young man John to use, John has been getting prizes etc for this fund run and helping to put it together…I cannot let him use the ministry computer but it would help greatly if we had one he could use at the Church, I have no interent at the shelter yet as we cannot afford the bill.


This event is a work in progress we need to get prayed in for the homeless women!



Mission Church

The gas is back on! We mailed out the monthly newsletter yesterday, you see the money we had coming was days late as it was mailed to another address in our city! We got it on Monday all taped back tighter with sorry written on the outside!


So we have made progress from where were at, radio is all paid up at least for April! We could still use your help in all area’s as Passover is coming and we are trying to get money up for that so we can have a good Seder and do something special for the people also.


We need to stock food and wow hamburger is up to $4.99 a pound it takes 10 pounds with noodles, rise, etc to feed about 100 plates out…so we need prayers for food as well as all things,

Lift us in prayer, help if you can


In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


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