Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Four blood moons: Does alignment of Mars, Earth and Sun mean the end of the world is nigh? | World | News | Daily Express

Mars, Earth, and the Sun will all align tonight, a rare 'opposition of the planets' that only happens once every 778 days. 

But what makes this so remarkable is that it comes precisely a week before everyone on earth will see the first of FOUR dark red 'blood moons', an extraordinary event some Christians believe represents the End of Days and the second coming of Christ.

The King James Bible predicts: "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD comes," [Joel 2:31]. 

And, according to NASA, a highly unusual 'Tetrad' - four successive total 'blood-red' lunar eclipses each followed by six full moons - will, indeed, start a week today and finish on September 28 next year. 

The incredible alignment has only happened a handful of times in the last two thousand years but, remarkably, on each of the last three occasions it has coincided with a globally significant religious event.

Pastor and author John Hagee, from San Antonio, Texas, has written a book on the phenomenon. He believes tonight marks the dawn of a 'hugely significant event' for the world.

He says: "This is not something that some religious think tank has put together. 

"NASA has confirmed that the Tetrad has only happened three times in more than 500 years - and that it's going to happen now."


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