Thursday, April 3, 2014

FW: Other News: Is a 1987-type market crash 37 days away?



From: chris moore []
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 5:15 PM
To: CHRIS MOORE; chris moore
Subject: Other News: Is a 1987-type market crash 37 days away?



Thursday Tornado Risk Zone Spans 1,000 Miles, Population of 40 Million



With part of a multiple-day severe weather event forecast to continue, close to 40 million people will be at risk for violent and dangerous storms on Thursday from the Gulf Coast to the Ohio Valley.

Following a significant round of severe weather from Wednesday, the atmosphere will continue to energize on Thursday from the South Central states to part of the Midwest.

There are many communities at risk for severe weather on Thursday. Major cities in or near the alert area include Dallas, Houston and Austin, Texas; Shreveport, La.; Tulsa, Okla.; Little Rock and Fort Smith, Ark.; St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo.; Peoria, Ill.; Tupelo, Miss.; Memphis and Nashville, Tenn.; Paducah and Louisville, Ky.; Evansville and Indianapolis, Ind.; and Cincinnati.

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Is a 1987-type market crash 37 days away?



Investors marveling at the striking similarities of the bull market today to the one that ended in 1987 are hoping history doesn’t repeat itself.

If it does, the market could be in some serious trouble in 37 trading days. In 37 trading days, the ongoing bull market would be 1,311 trading days old, says Jim Paulsen of Wells Capital Management. That is a scary date because it was on the 1,311 trading day after the start of the 1982 bull market that the Standard & Poor’s 500 suffered its biggest one-day crash in history on Oct. 19, 1987. That crash snuffed out what had been a powerful market rally starting in 1982.

Normally these kinds of things are just market oddities. But investors are taking this one seriously since there are such strong similarities with the 1982 bull market and the one the market is currently in. For instance, the current bull run has marked a 175% rally from the low, which is where the 1982 bull was at this point in its run, Paulsen says.

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Huge earthquake hits near Chile, sparks fears along ‘Ring of Fire’



Tokyo. Los Angeles. Santiago. People in these cities could be forgiven for feeling vulnerable following the 8.2 magnitude earthquake that shook northern Chile yesterday.

They all lie in a zone with the ominous name: “Ring of Fire”.

The Chilean earthquake, which left at least six people dead, came just a week after Los Angeles was struck by a 5.1 magnitude earthquake.

Both disasters occurred along the Ring of Fire, where two tectonic plates beneath the planet’s surface occasionally bump against other plates, ABC News reports.

“That affects South America, the California coast, Alaska, Japan, the Philippines. Basically any places around the Pacific Rim are at risk,” said Kate Hutton, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology.

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Don't they love the Terrorists so much..and how they hate Israel with such venom ..Who ever said that Amnesty weren't Political?

Amnesty International welcomes Palestinian unilateral moves, calls on PA to join ICC
Human rights group slams Israeli politicians for threatening to sanction the PA for its unilateral moves.



Former US Vice-President Attacks Obama’s Policies

Thursday, April 03, 2014


Hamas: Abbas is pulling the Wool over the Public’s Eyes

Thursday, April 03, 2014




Tsunami Waves Hit Northern Chile


Peru Warns Against Tsunami


Chilean PM Evacuated Following Earthquake



In spite of the fact Neo Nazis were Involved in the Revolution,

Galloway Claims Israel Engineered the Unrest in Ukraine


British MP George Galloway, who is known for his hatred towards Israel and his backing of the Hamas terrorist group, has come up with an interesting theory regarding the unrest in Ukraine.

According to Galloway, “the Zionists” engineered the situation in Ukraine in order to bring “the Nazis” to power and have the Ukrainian Jews “settle in Palestine”.

Galloway’s comments were made several weeks ago during his show on the state-owned Iranian Press TV. They were posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).


Illegal Weapons Found in Arab Village in Samaria



Bennett: Jewish Home Will Vote Against Pollard Deal


Economy Minister Naftali Bennett told Channel 2 News on Thursday that his Jewish Home party would vote against a deal that would see Jonathan Pollard being freed in exchange for Israel releasing more terrorists from its prisons.

In the meantime, however, Israeli officials believe that the Pollard deal will not go through to the Palestinian Authority’s request to join 15 international conventions.


Israel Sanctions PA Following Unilateral Move

Israel suspends high-level contacts with PA, restricts transfer of communications equipment to Gaza.

By Elad Benari

First Publish: 4/4/2014, 12:14 AM


Abbas embraces freed terrorist

Abbas embraces freed terrorist

Israel news photo: Flash 90

Israel on Thursday informed the Palestinian Authority (PA) of a series of punitive measures against it, following the PA’s request to join 15 international conventions.

According to Kol Yisrael radio, these measures include a suspension of high-level contacts between ministers and CEOs, and any contacts with the PA will now be led by the Coordinator of Government Activities in Judea and Samaria, Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai.

It was also decided to freeze the implementation of 3G cellular technology in PA-assigned areas and stop the transfer into Gaza of communications equipment belonging to the PA cellular phone company Watania. Another punitive measure is a freeze on promotion master plans for new communities in Area C.

Israel is looking into further sanctions on the PA, according to Kol Yisrael





Sinai today: Kerry in Wonderland


At the moment Kerry-sponsored talks exist in a twilight zone of negotiators without mandate.

P89 JFR 370

John Kerry quitte Israel Photo: REUTERS


.....Even if Mahmoud Abbas and the PA leadership agree to a deal with the Israelis, the question will remain as to whether they have a legitimate mandate from the Palestinian people to arrive at such an agreement.

There is clearly a mandate to do so on the Israeli side – Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu heads a democratically elected, wide-ranging coalition government in one of the world’s most robust democracies.

Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority, on the other hand, are not the elected leaders of the Palestinian people. They have not been to an election with their people for many years, and Fatah lost the last election it faced in the Gaza Strip. It is instructive, also, to examine those parties not represented at the negotiating table. Hamas, which represents the remaining Palestinians, has declared openly and often that it rejects any peace arrangement with Israel, and that a Jewish state on any part of the Land of Israel, including within the 1947 UN borders, is completely illegitimate. As it states explicitly in its charter, “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

The question about mandate is a fundamental one, and one which requires urgent attention from world leaders, and in particular, from US Secretary of State John Kerry and the American administration who are pursuing these peace talks with such determined passion. Every decent person wants peace but without honesty and truth, peace has no chance.....





Christie and his ‘occupied territory’ remarks



Jewish groups excoriate Denmark over legalized bestiality
Ritual slaughter currently banned due to concerns for ‘animal rights;’ PETA calls shechita one of “least humane methods of slaughter.”



Palestinian bids

The Palestinians’ move this week to join more international organizations, treaties only strengthens the idea that a Palestinian state is widely recognized within the UN system, international treaties.



US-Israel ties


04/03/2014 21:10


Though Israel strove to establish a Jewish state, it nevertheless committed itself to liberal and democratic ideals shared by Americans.


US Secretary of State John Kerry. Photo: REUTERS

Even before its establishment, the State of Israel had a special relationship with the US – and for good reason. On an ideological level, Israel is a country that reflects America’s founding spirit. Similar to the founding fathers of America, who were primarily Protestants escaping religious persecution, Zionists of all stripes were motivated by the need, particularly after the Holocaust, to empower the Jewish people with national self-determination as a means of escaping endemic anti-Semitism.

Though Israel strove to establish a Jewish state, it nevertheless committed itself to liberal and democratic ideals shared by Americans. As stated in our Declaration of Independence, Israel vowed from its very inception to base its rule on “freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions.”


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