Thursday, April 3, 2014

FW: 'New Conditions' Include Release of 1,200 Terrorists



From: []
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 3:32 PM
Subject: 'New Conditions' Include Release of 1,200 Terrorists




Terrorists send coded messages  

to terrorist prisoners through PA TV 


Yesterday, Israeli police arrested six Arabs from a law firm in Jerusalem, four of them lawyers, on suspicion of transferring messages to and from Palestinian terrorists when they met with them in Israeli prisons. The terrorists' accomplices outside would respond by sending coded messages through official PA TV, the Israeli Walla News reported:




IDF Training for Ground Invasion of Lebanon

Army reveals it is rehearsing for 'Afghanistan-type' resistance to IDF takeover of Lebanese villages.

By Gil Ronen

First Publish: 4/3/2014, 7:07 PM


IDF tanks (illustrative)

IDF tanks (illustrative)


The IDF is rehearsing scenarios of mass rioting combined with guerrilla warfare, which it may encounter if and when it invades Lebanon and takes over villages there. The disclosure was made by IDF officers in a report featured on the IDF's official website – and can safely be assumed to be an intentional warning to Lebanon and Hezbollah that the IDF is capable of a ground invasion of Israel's northern neighbor.

The report says that the IDF is preparing for the possibility that in a spontaneous reaction to the conquest of a village by Israeli forces, the residents will stage a massive riot.



Bennett: 'Here's a Commitment – You'll Never Get Jerusalem'

Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett keeps it snappy in a reply to Palestinian Authority's list of 7 demands.

By Hezki Ezra

First Publish: 4/3/2014, 9:00 PM

Lapid and Bennett (file)

Lapid and Bennett (file)


Jewish Home Chairman, Economics Minister Naftali Bennett, pithily rejected Thursday the Palestinian Authority (PA) demand that Israel give a commitment that the future Palestinian state would include eastern Jerusalem.

"You wanted a commitment? Here it is: Eastern Jerusalem will never be your capital,” wrote Bennett on his Facebook page.

The PA-based Ma'an news agency quoted chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat as citing the seven conditions he relayed to Israel Wednesday night, in the stormy session with Israel's negotiating team:

1. A written letter from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in which he gives a commitment that the Palestinian state will be established and that its capital will be East Jerusalem.

2. The release of 1,200 terrorists, which the PA says was agreed upon when Ehud Olmert was prime minister. These include multiple-murderer Marwan Barghouti, PFLP leader Ahmed Saadat, and Fuad al-Shubaki, who was responsible for the attempt to smuggle a huge amount of arms into Gaza on board the Karine A.

3. Implementation of the agreement on checkpoints and removal of the siege on Gaza.

4. The return of the Church of Nativity expellees. 

The IDF besieged the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem April 2 to May 10, 2002, as part of Operation Defensive Shield, after 39 terrorists had holed up there. The terrorists took shelter in the famous church, and used about 40 priests and nuns as a shield, knowing Israel would not take a chance on inadvertently hurting priests and nuns. The siege was ended through an agreement that involved exiling the terrorists to other countries.

5. The granting of full Israeli citizenship to 15,000 Palestinian Arabs in a process of family reunification.

6. A halt to construction in eastern Jerusalem and the reopening of PA institutions there which have been closed down by Israel.

7. No more entry by IDF forces into areas under PA control, no more arrests and eliminations, and the handing over of Area C to PA control.


Bennett Warns Abbas is in Israel's 'Legal Crosshairs'

'Go to the UN – I will buy you a plane ticket. But expect a personal lawsuit for war crimes,' the minister says.


Naftali Bennett

Naftali Bennett


After posting a commitment never to hand over eastern Jerusalem to Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett kept slugging away at Abbas Thursday evening, in a toast to Jewish Home activists in central Israel.

“We are now at a pretty dramatic hour in the diplomatic field,” Bennett said. “Two weeks ago, Abu Mazen said – 'I will never agree to talk about recognition of Israel as a Jewish state,'” he reminded his audience.

"Many people say – 'What does it matter? Do I need him to define me?' Of course we don't need him to define us,” Bennett explained. “He doesn't define anything. But the meaning is that first he wants the state of Palestine in one pocket, and then he wants to signal that he is the lord and leader of the Arab citizens of Israel, and then begins the struggle for 'little Israel' inside the Green Line.”

Abbas has developed a way of getting what he wants, Bennett added. He says: “If you don't give me things, I will stop talking to you; I will go to the UN.

"From here we say: go to the UN – I will buy you a plane ticket. But what will make things difficult for you at the UN is a personal lawsuit for war crimes.





Top Religious Zionist Rabbi: Allow Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

Inside Israel 12:09 PM

Rabbi Benny Lau condemns anti-Jewish discrimination, supports rights of Jews to pray at the site even though he does not.


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Salvo of Kassams From Gaza Hit Near Sderot

At least three rockets hit open fields near Sderot after Code Red siren sounds, no damage reported.


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Hezbollah Terrorist to Speak at Tel Aviv University?

Inside Israel 10:55 AM

Left- and right-wing student groups unite in campaign to prevent the speaking appearance of a convicted terrorist on campus next week.



Obama's Kiss of Death to Saudi Arabia

Mark Langfan



Canadian PM Accused of “Buying” Jewish Support


Canadian Liberal party leader Justin Trudeau has accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of adopting foreign policies entirely geared towards gaining votes on Election Day.

Trudeau’s words, directed to the Persian-language weekly journal “Salaam Toronto” (March 27) clearly addressed Harpers extremely pro-Israel stance.

Trudeau took a clear stab at the Prime Minister in a forum he knew would appreciate it.

Really Trudeau? How low will you go?

·  =================================


US Secretary of State John Kerry with Tzipi Livni and Saeb Erekat, July 30, 2013.

Maybe Livni isn't so Confident now about Abbas's Intentions..but don't count on it.


Sources tell Ma'an that meeting between Erekat and Livni was a "fierce political battle" in which PA threatened to try Israeli leaders as "war criminals," while Israelis warned PA of "endless sanctions."



Palestinians warn: We will join the Hague


·  PA Ambassador: There Are 550 Organizations We Can Join


'New Conditions' Include Release of 1,200 Terrorists




Fourth Terrorist Release Officially Cancelled

Tzipi Livni announces cancellation, given PA unilateral moves 'new conditions have been created.' White House: 'dialogue remains open.'




Past Crimes as Legal Prologue to Statehood

Prof. Louis René Beres



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1 Million Syrian Refugees in Lebanon


 Bneghazi disgrace


Dear Mr Ignatius.

   Wow!  Have you shown yourself to be a blatant democratic  shill  who refuses to acknowledge  that the Benghazi debacle is a boil that refuses to go away.. Who the hell are you  to try and sweep it under the rug? . Millions of Americans want to know  what really happened (They  dont!)  They want to know what happened to the survivors and why havent they testified, Who really did it, Why did the Obama administration try to spew out their lies  and assert that  the attack was due to an anti Mohammed video,  a spontaneous demonstration  or both (more lies since it was known within 24 hrs that it was  a terrorist attack) , How Susan Rice went on 5 Sunday news shows and lied through her teeth about how the attack happened,  Why  did the LIbyan ambassador  go to the Consulate  just on that date (9-11) if he knew that there were terrorists  who were out to get him,  Why havent there  been any arrests or retaliations against the LIbyans who did the heinous deed.   There  have  been photos  of the swine walking around free in Libya  (Reagan would have bombed them back to the stone age or assassinated them)..  Why wasn't the Consulate protected better, Where was Ms Congeniality  Hillary  what-difference-does-it-make-now-Clinton who , as far as I am concerned escaped any  any blame for what happened but as secretary of State  should have been held responsible and tried for criminal acts.

  What kind of pundit are you? If this debacle occurred under a Republican administration you would still be shooting your  mouth off

William Firshein




Caroline Glick at the Wednesday Morning Club »


The Jerusalem Post’s senior contributing editor discusses Israel’s only viable path to peace.




Caroline Glick at the Wednesday Morning Club »

by Paul Schnee

The author of “The Israeli Solution” discusses the one-state plan for peace in the Middle East.




Wanted: Palestinian Propagandists »

by Ronn Torossian

Business is booming in the anti-Israel PR industry.


Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Slaughter Christian Woman

April 3, 2014

by Raymond Ibrahim


Friday: the day of Muslim prayers — and infidel bloodshed.

Click Here


On Friday, March 28, in Ain Shams, a suburb of Cairo, Muslim Brotherhood supporters attacked the Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church, including by opening fire on it and setting parked cars aflame.  Four people died.

One of the slain, a young Coptic woman, was savagely mauled and molested before being murdered—simply because her cross identified her as a Christian to the Brotherhood rioters.

According to an eyewitness who discussed the entire event on the Egyptian program, 90 Minutes, Mary Sameh George was parking by the church to deliver medicine to a sickly, elderly woman:




Terrorists on Campus »

by Ari Lieberman

Open season on the Jews at San Francisco State University.





Obama’s Mideast Nightmare »

by Daniel Greenfield

How the Radical-in-Chief isolated America in the Middle East.





Russia, Kazakhstan Voice Support for Constitutional Reform in Ukraine


Pentagon Suspends Missile Shield Talks with Russia over Ukraine


Russia Discloses Ukrainian Ultranationalist Leader’s Nazi Past


Russia Discloses Ukrainian Ultranationalist Leader  s Nazi Past



NASA Severs Ties with Russia, Except for ISS


NASA Severs Ties with Russia, Except for ISS




Cruz: Obama waging unprecedented ‘assault’ on religious liberty



Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said Wednesday that religious liberty has never been attacked as much as it has been during the Obama Administration.

Citing the requirement that even religious employers must provide contraception for their employees — the issue at stake in the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case – Cruz said the “assault” on religious freedom is unprecedented.

“Religious liberty’s never been more under assault,” Cruz said in a speech at Liberty University, an evangelical Christian college.

Read Full Article


The US Has only itself  to blame..

U.S. Dissatisfied with Iran's Hostage Taker Ambassador

Obama administration says Iran's nomination of a former hostage-taker as its ambassador to the United Nations is "extremely troubling".

By Arutz Sheva Staff

The Obama administration said on Wednesday that Iran's nomination of a former hostage-taker as its ambassador to the United Nations is "extremely troubling", the BBC reported.

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