Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FW: News,Russian warplane sent 'provocative' message to US

From: Chrisifiles@aol.com [mailto:Chrisifiles@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 8:35 AM
Subject: News,Russian warplane sent 'provocative' message to US



Father killed, mother and son suffer light to moderate wounds as shooters attack car traveling to Passover Seder; IDF heightens security in surrounding villages, search for suspects.



Syrian army seizes ancient Christian town near Lebanon border



MI6, the CIA and Turkey’s rogue game in Syria



The US’s Secretary of State John Kerry and its UN ambassador, Samantha Power have been pushing for more assistance to be given to the Syrian rebels. This is despite strong evidence that the Syrian armed opposition are, more than ever, dominated by jihadi fighters similar in their beliefs and methods to al-Qa’ida. The recent attack by rebel forces around Latakia, northern Syria, which initially had a measure of success, was led by Chechen and Moroccan jihadis.

America has done its best to keep secret its role in supplying the Syrian armed opposition, operating through proxies and front companies. It is this which makes Seymour Hersh’s article “The Red Line and The Rat Line: Obama, Erdogan and the Syrian rebels” published last week in the London Review of Books, so interesting.

Attention has focussed on whether the Syrian jihadi group, Jabhat al-Nusra, aided by Turkish intelligence, could have been behind the sarin gas attacks in Damascus last 21 August, in an attempt to provoke the US into full-scale military intervention to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. “We now know it was a covert action planned by [Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan’s people to push Obama over the red line,” a former senior US intelligence officer is quoted as saying.

Critics vehemently respond that all the evidence points to the Syrian government launching the chemical attack and that even with Turkish assistance, Jabhat al-Nusra did not have the capacity to use sarin.

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Tension Heats up between the US and Russia over  the Ukraine 


  • Obama blasts Russia in tense call with Putin over Ukraine

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday that Russia's actions in Ukraine were not conducive to a diplomatic solution of the crisis in that country, and the White House warned that Moscow would suffer further costs for its behavior.

Obama spoke to Putin at the Russians' request, a senior administration official said, describing the call as "frank and direct," a diplomatic construction that usually means tense

MORE@ http://news.yahoo.com/white-house-confirms-downplays-cia-director-visit-kiev-174425998.html




Russian warplane sent 'provocative' message to US

Within 90 minutes, a fighter jet operated by Russian pilots made a dangerous move 12 times over.

A Russian warplane made several close-range passes by an American warship in the Black Sea over the weekend, in what the Pentagon is calling a "provocative" move amid escalating tensions in the region. 

The jet, a Russian Su-24, made numerous low-altitude passes on Saturday over the USS Donald Cook, a guided-missile Navy destroyer in the western Black Sea, the Pentagon confirmed. 

According to officials, the jet made a total of 12 passes over the course of 90 minutes. It did not once respond to multiple contacts and warnings from the USS Donald Cook, despite the fact that the U.S. Navy ship was able to reach the cockpit directly. 

The Pentagon says that the jet had no visible missiles attached to its wings and that the incident ended without any exchange of fire. 

"This provocative and unprofessional Russian action is inconsistent with international protocols and previous agreements of a professional interaction between our militaries," Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said. 

The low altitude of the jet varied at times from "virtual sea level to several thousand feet," Warren said.  The jet did not "buzz" the Cook, but "flew too close," he said. 

A second Russian Su-24 was in the area the entire time, but did not make any similarly provocative maneuvers.


Russia Testing Warheads In Preparation To Attack America


Published on Apr 15, 2014

Russia Testing Warheads In Preparation To Attack America 






Russia Tests Multi-Warhead ICBM

Flight test comes amid heightened tensions over Ukraine


SS-27 Mod 2 launch photo

BY: Bill Gertz Follow @BillGertz 
April 14, 2014 5:54 pm

Russia’s military carried out a flight test of a new multi-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile on Monday amid growing tensions with the United States over the crisis in Ukraine.

The SS-27 Mod 2 road-mobile ICBM was launched around 2:40 a.m. ESTfrom Russia’s Plesetsk launch facility, located about 500 miles north of Moscow.

“The main purpose of the launch is to validate the reliability of a batch of this class of missiles made at the Votkinsk Plant,” Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Yegorov told state-run Interfax-AVN.

An unspecified number of simulated nuclear warheads landed at an impact range on the Kura test range on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in the Russian Far East, Yegorov said. The distance is around 3,500 miles.

The SS-27 Mod 2 is Russia’s newest ICBM and has been touted by Russian officials as designed specifically to defeat U.S. missile defenses.

Mark B. Schneider, a missile specialist with National Institute for Public Policy, said there is evidence indicating the Russians have violated the START arms treaty by developing the SS-27 Mod 2 with multiple warheads.

“The original missile that Russia called the Topol M Variant 2 and we call the SS-27 was a single warhead missile,” Schneider told the Free Beacon. “START prohibits increasing the declared number of warheads.”

The missile test launch followed an incident Saturday when a Russian Su-24 jet conducted a dozen low-altitude passes over a U.S. warship in the Black Sea. The Pentagon called the maneuver “provocative.”

“The aircraft did not respond to multiple queries and warnings from USS Donald Cook, and the event ended without incident after approximately 90 minutes,” Army Col. Steven Warren said.

“The Donald Cook is more than capable of defending itself against two Su-24s,” the colonel said.

Warren said the aircraft appeared to be authorized to make the low passes. “We’ve seen the Russians conduct themselves unprofessionally and in violation of international norms in Ukraine for several months, and these continued acts of provocation and unprofessionalism do nothing to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine, which we called on the Russians to do,” he said.

The warship has been in the Black Sea in a show-of-strength deployment. It is currently making a port visit to Constanta, Romania.

The Russian ICBM, which Moscow calls the RS-24 Yars missile, will replace older Topol mobile ICBMs.

The United States currently has no comparable road-mobile ICBM. The mobility makes the missiles very difficult to detect and target.

The last flight test of the SS-27 Mod 2 was in December.

Russia currently has an estimated 80,000 troops deployed along with armored vehicles close to Ukraine’s eastern border.

A senior Obama administration official said last week that pro-Russian unrest, including the takeover of police stations in two eastern Ukrainian towns, appears to be the work of Russian agents seeking to foment unrest—something that could be used a pretext for a Russian military invasion.

In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia has asked the United States to explain the recent visit to Kiev by CIA Director John Brennan.

“We want to understand what our western colleagues are doing in reality, particularly we want to understand what do the reports about an urgent visit of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the USA, Mr. Brennan, to Kiev means,” Lavrov said, according to state-owned Moscow Rossiya 24 TV. “No clear explanations have yet been given to us.”

A Russian presidential spokesman said President Vladimir Putin has received requests for Russia to intervene in Ukraine, following reports of domestic unrest.

“The Russian president is watching the development in these regions with great concern,” Dmitri Peskov, the spokesman, told reporters.

“Many appeals—addressed personally to Putin, asking to help in this or that way and asking to interfere in this or that way have been received,” Peskov said, according to Interfax.

The Obama administration is considering a Russian request to upgrade electronic intelligence gathering sensors used on aircraft that would overfly the United States as part of the Open Skies Treaty, according to the Weekly Standard.

The debate on granting the Russian request prompted a letter from House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Mich.) opposing the move.

“Given current world events, President Putin appears to be more than willing to disregard international norms of behavior in seeking geopolitical advantage. We should not now naively believe he will unilaterally adhere to the limitations of the Open Skies Treaty,” Rogers stated in a letter to President Obama sent Friday.

Senate Intelligence Committee members also are questioning whether the administration should permit the upgraded Russian spy flights.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Northern Command/North American Aerospace Defense Command, which monitors foreign missile launches, had no immediate comment.



On the Verge of a deadly War INVOLVING THE WEST?


Lavrov Slams ‘Unacceptable’ Use of Force in Southeastern Ukraine

Lavrov Slams   Unacceptable   Use of Force in Southeastern Ukraine

Moscow believes that the use of force in southeastern Ukraine is unacceptable and condemns preparations for a violent crackdown on protesters in the country, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday.


Ukraine on Verge of Civil War – Russia’s Medvedev


Ukraine on Verge of Civil War    Russia  s Medvedev

Ukraine is on the verge of a civil war, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Facebook page Tuesday.


NATO Chief Says Military Response to Situation in Ukraine Not Discussed


NATO Chief Says Military Response to Situation in Ukraine Not Discussed

NATO is not considering a military response to the situation in Ukraine and is counting on a political and diplomatic resolution, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Tuesday.








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