Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blood Moon, Aftermath, and praise


Did you folks see the blood moon last night? Here is a place that has some cool pictures http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/15/best-blood-moon-photos_n_5152982.html .


So what does it all mean, nothing happened really in the USA that was profound nor in Israel, so what was it a dud? First the people what know the most about this, which generally means not smarter but just more let’s say studied up, say they would expect something to happen between the blood moons, not just on the day of.


Personally I think we just avoided a spark that would have started a civil war with the BLM and the rancher. Had blood been shed I think it would have sparked a civil was in the USA, and while you are now relaxing back to it did not happen so we are Ok, it could still happen and if nothing else you should see it as a sign of bigger things.


Such as all the ammo the government has been buying, we just saw an agency that is now armed and was not before…so to me this was test run with more to come from both American’s who want freedom and will give all to a Federal Government who plan’s on seeing just how far they can go…mostly put off maybe till after the elections at the end of this year, maybe?


Run Paul warns of maybe a Waco Style attack…here http://www.infowars.com/ron-paul-warns-feds-could-launch-waco-style-assault-against-bundy/  


We are in the time of trouble, birth pangs, trouble, that will just get worse and worse until Yeshua comes…be excited you are alive in this time!




We had a donation come in time that we had fliers printed etc. I got feed back from a veteran motorcycle group that says if I can come up with numbers of women veterans that go homeless in Wichita that we might help they will promote and back our play! I put in call to someone I know in the vet’s homeless program they are supposed to be getting numbers up, but they have not called back, time is critical.


I also had the promise of a donation so I was able to use some other money knowing this other donation would come in and cover what I spent. So really we had a good Passover? Did you?


Keep us in your prayers as this fun run will support the woman’s shelter anything could happen between now and then to stop it, we still need some things prayed in so keep your prayers coming!


We  has are thankful for a donation that came in basically during Passover….as I said we are catching up slowly form a winter slump!


We are looking better some what as we had two $500 donations come over the last week in the mail so we are coming up out of the hole if donations keep picking back up we will be in good shape but we are not there yet as slow winter donations put us deep in the hole and we have been paying off back bills, like now I have a $253 bill and a $124 we need to take care of…


Right now, we have a great need of a food donation so we can go stock food up, I was able to buy some cold meds a few at least they will be gone instantly or rather close to that.


The Police hot team is calling again to see when the woman’s shelter will open as there are at least 20 that are on the street right now….


We also need KJV large print Bibles, we have been out for a little while.


Again while things are better we are not there yet keep us in prayer and help if you can,


In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


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