Thursday, October 5, 2017

Radio, Feast, and a Food Donation


Israel started the FEAST OF TABERNACLES last night at dark, I will not argue with folks about the calendar because you are going to  do it eth way you are and it should not be appoint of separation…..

Some folks on the Way to a Feast dropped this food off for the "MISSION CHURCH" cabbage, potatoes, onions, and a bag of apples..oh and a jug of honey which I will use in our Sabbath Bread!

This is a real blessing but folks please pray about making a donation so we can have meat to go along with this wonderful donation!

Yes I am doing radio today and next week because I could not see a reason not to, donations go down when we do not do radio and they are that way anyway. Yes we generally go somewhere each Feast even if it's the lake because as I said before it is the only time we get a break, except for the weekly Sabbath. This year we did not have money to go anywhere or do anything so we are just going to be here at home enjoying family…I would bet I get no rest though because it is so very hard to stop everything when you are still at home J

Radio airtime is due and we are still in a slump of low donations that really started with the various storms…..Of course we are all in mourning and prayer after the shooting but we really already were due to the 3 storms! Pray for America..pray for repentance

Well have a blessed Feast

Lift us in prayer help if you can,

In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

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