Thursday, August 28, 2014

Moses came to Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj


August 7, 2014 Prophet Moses came to Sadhu.


Sir, What do you want to speak to me?

What I have said so far was America's past, but now I will speak to you the future.

1. This nation's hypocrisy will be torn apart.

2. This nation's leaders are pretending.  Pres. Obama will be punished. They are making many evil plans in secret against their people. He gathers with his favorite advisors and from influential wealth people in hidden underground places to make plans. His palace (White House) will burn with fire.

3. As a snake will coil around its prey, wickedness has coiled all around this nation.

4. Gays will come to rule. They will even be appointed to positions of business. When they come to rule and office and positions of influence their main target will be children. Their plan will be to thwart the plan of God over the children.

5. Abortion will increase even as young as 13 years old. Sexual promiscuity will increase among them.

6. America is sinking deeper and deeper into a sink hole but see the grace of God. I looked up and in one place of heaven I saw a man of American decent a few of the Presidents of the U.S., one of them President George Washington a total of four looking at the affairs of the U.S. All four stretched out their hands and prayed, "Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy."

7. The military will be used by God to chastise the nation and pull her out of the brink of destruction.


Angel Visit before recording.

July 20, 2014

Two cities of the Ukraine had fallen to the Russian rebels.

I looked at the camera and the angel stood beside the camera and the Angel said, "All that is happening in Ukraine is planned."

Then he showed me the face of President Putin.

The angel said, "This was done by this man. This was a test to see how the U.S. would react and the world kept quiet. The bear which came out of hibernation and will stamp its foot down to showcase it's might and great strength."

Ukraine was just an experiment to see how it can flex its muscles and stretch its legs and snarl its teeth and all the time Putin was denying they did it but now they are openly admitting yes they did it and now they are going to go with full force into Ukraine and take Ukraine. So now the bear will have a free run.

When he was done I looked up at Prophet Moses and asked, Sir, is there anything we can do to soften or reduce the punishment?

Moses asked me, "What can be done? They are too self-centered. Americans only care about themselves. This is what heaven thinks about you. You are too self-centered. They will not weep and pray for the nation. But, nevertheless don't give up.

I said, "Give me a key, what can they do. Please."

Moses said, "If the people and the leaders will do what Joel said in Joel 2."

JOE 2:12  Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:



The Above was transcribed from an audio by the Prophecy Club  



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the man


From being a staunch and orthodox Hindu, Sundar Selvaraj had a dramatic life-changing supernatural encounter with the living Christ Jesus at the age of 16. Answering God's call to the ministry at 17, Brother Sadhu,as he is affectionately called by all from around the world, has since then been faithfully serving the Lord God.


the message


Sadhu's messages, filled with love and compassion, have touched millions of people of every caste, colour, race and faith. His messages challenge all believers to a life of holiness and to walk in the Spirit as yielded vessels for the work of furthering the kingdom of God on earth. He has also been specifically called and sent by the Lord God to prepare the Bride of Christ for the Lord Jesus' second coming.


the ministry


Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is the founder of Jesus Ministries, a prophetic-evangelistic work which fulfills a call of God to pioneer evangelistic outreaches to people groups among whom Christ Jesus is little or never named. God's strong anointing in Brother Sadhu's life is attested by signs, wonders and miracles. Since 1979, the Lord God has taken Brother Sadhu to more than 50 nations around the world to be a witness for him.



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