Thursday, August 16, 2018

China Buckles, Sends Trade Delegation to Washington to Seek End of Trade War | Breitbart

YouTube's climate change 're-education camp'

Draining a swamp brings out the vipers and rats

Google-Facebook: The Speech Code Cartel

Researchers want to experiment on older human embryos

Researchers want to experiment on older human embryos

Study: Lower risk of suicide for teens with religious parents

Atheists demand removal of Christian AFB commander

Trump campaign chief: Big Tech becoming Big Brother

Revealed: Censored common denominator in most clergy sex abuse

Brennan 'puppet master' of scheme to spy on Trump

Trump campaign chief: Big Tech becoming Big Brother

McConnell urged to bypass Dems, confirm judges

Couple out to disprove 'evil' killed by ISIS

Former agent reveals who 'ruined' the Secret Service

Walmart Execs: This is the Best Economy for Our Customers in Decades | Breitbart



August 16, 2018 06:50 PM PDT

Pastor Dan and Linda Catlin

We are in that time of the End can you not see that? What you are seeing in the physical is really a battle of demons seeing what they can do….

Wake up America, Wake up world….

Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as
"We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"
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August 16, 2018 06:55 PM PDT

Steve Henderson

It is all around us, most just do not get it…..we are about to be invaded

Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as "We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"
Please visit
Also please visit

"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It's up to you to pray and sort it out!"

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Pa. Woman Charged With Raping 5-Year-Old Boy, Posting Video Online < CBS Pittsburgh

Trump administration nearing deal with Mexico on revised NAFTA - but issues with Canada remain | Consumer

Papadopoulos's wife wants him to scrap plea deal with Mueller: report | TheHill

Dallas DA probes potential election crimes in a racially charged Irving contest | Irving | Dallas News

Manafort jury ends first day with questions, including definition of 'reasonable doubt' | TheHill

Incredible Miracles Mark Explosive Revival Going on in Small Georgia Church: Dentist, Doctor, Confirm Healings  


(Dawsonville, GA)—[] During Christ Fellowship's 21-day fast in January, Pastor Todd Smith said God gave him a vision of the church's baptistry. The baptism pool was full, and there was a strip of fire on top of the water


"We've seen people delivered from addictions like drugs and seen many, many radical healings take place. The Holy Spirit's presence is so thick, and it's all for His glory. It has absolutely nothing to do with us, and that's what's so beautiful. Nobody takes any ownership in this." -Pat Schatzline

Opinion: The Battle Against Opioids Could Mean Misery for Patients in Pain

Tables Have Turned: Christian Baker Goes on Offensive, Sues State of Colorado

Abbas Defies US Vows to Continue Paying Salaries to Terrorists Instead of Opening Schools

Jewish Authors Respond to Christian Calls for Torah Teaching - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Israeli Scientists Implant First Knee Replacement That Regrows Cartilage And Bone

Saudi's $500bn NEOM to pioneer new age in mobility, says CEO -

MLK's Niece: Omarosa Told Me She's Making it All Up 'for the Money'

Russian strategic bombers deploy near Alaska - The Edwardsville Intelligencer

Video: Lester Holt is a Liar - Alex Jones Did Not Call For Violence

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Omarosa Now Hit With Bombshell Sexual Accusation HERSELF - Page 2 of 2 - Chicks On The Right - Young Conservatives

The Trailer for the Upcoming 'Gosnell' Movie Will Shock You

10 Signs That America Is In Much Worse Trouble Than We All Thought...

The Trailer for the Upcoming 'Gosnell' Movie Will Shock You

Hear phone threat to pro-lifer: 'I'm gonna rape your daughter'

Chuck Norris: 'You replaced me with a truck?'

Trump revokes Brennan security clearance

The Hill Interview: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey explains what got Alex Jones suspended | TheHill

Sure Word of Prophecy Ministries - Death, Resurrection and The Living Dead - YouTube

Southwestern Sauteed Corn Recipe | Taste of Home

Rabbis Weigh In: Who Is Amalek Today? - Breaking Israel News

John Brennan Exposed As The Puppet Master of the Mueller Case - Big League Politics

GOP Drops the Judicial HAMMER on DOJ, Forcing Them to Reveal the TRUTH on FISA Warrant - Truthfeed

NEW LOW: Nancy Pelosi Tells Democrats To Lie To Voters If They Have To; 'Just Win Baby'


Of course, Pelosi, a career politician, did not outright tell House Democrats to lie. But she directly told them to "do whatever you have to do" in order to win elections, which many would agree entails lying to voters.


What else could "do whatever you have to do" mean? Pelosi is obviously nervous about the midterms, and her pitch isn't to run on better ideas than President Donald Trump and Republicans — but rather lie and use other nefarious actions to win.


(33) Do You Want A Marxist Revolution? Antifa Protesters Answer - YouTube

1,839 Soldiers in 5 Months: 'A Great Move of God' in Missouri as Record Number of Troops Come to Christ | CBN News

A US Army Chaplain says a revival is taking place on the base of Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri.

Since March nearly 2,000 troops have reportedly come to the Lord.


The Reason for Brennan Losing His Clearance is Revealed and It's BEYOND Hilarious - Truthfeed


We now know why former Obama CIA guy John Brennan had his security clearance revoked.


President Trump reportedly revoked the unhinged man's clearance, due to Brennan's "erratic" behavior.


As you may recall, Brennan was taking to Twitter, where he was calling for "coups" against President Trump, in a series of disturbing rants.

DEVELOPING: Manafort Lawyers Hammer Mueller's Prosecutors in Closing Arguments 'Fishing For a Crime'

Alveda King: Even Death Row Prisoners Can Be Evangelized |

Opinion: Gene editing presents a great new threat to the world  


Some entrepreneurs are already trying to create businesses that would give parents the ability to customize their child's appearance with CRISPR. Such alterations deeply concern scientists because the base human genome, known to scientists as the human germline, will be permanently changed.


Another concern held by scientists is the dangers of splicing the DNA of different organisms, especially humans with other species.


This could be dangerous for the subjects and especially dangerous if a group was able to create a CRISPR-altered superorganism. With this great power, humanity must tread lightly, for the world may be in danger if civilization is left unchecked to meddle with DNA of humans and other organisms. If civilization is left on its own to play God, a serious risk is posed to the future of humanity.

A Mysterious, Powerful Force is Flinging Radio Waves at Us From Deep Space  


Then, there's the light nobody understands — mysterious, ultrastrong sparks of energy zipping billions of light-years across the universe from unknown origins, for unknown reasons.

Autonomous indoor drone surveillance system developed - Story | WNYW

Pentagon Looks to Speed up 'Third Wave' AI Technologies - MeriTalk

Is Your Gut Making You Depressed or Anxious? - Scientific American

Grotesque: U.S. gov't cannibalizing babies so mice can live

Retired Pope Benedict accused of anti-Semitism after article on Christians and Jews - Religion News Service

Trump staffs up Mideast team for peace plan rollout  


WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. officials say the Trump administration is staffing up a Middle East policy team at the White House in anticipation of unveiling its long awaited but largely mysterious Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.


The National Security Council last week began approaching other agencies seeking volunteers to join the team, which will work for President Donald Trump's Mideast peace pointmen Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, according to the officials. The team, which is being set up to organize the peace plan's public presentation and any negotiations that may ensue, will comprise three units: one concentrating on its political and security details, one on its significant economic focus and one on strategic communications, the officials said.


Ben Shapiro: 'Socialism Violates Three of the Ten Commandments'  


Thursday in Washington, D.C.


"Socialism violates three of the Ten Commandments," Shapiro told the crowd of mostly young activists and students. "Idolatry, because you're not supposed to worship government, you're supposed to worship God."


"It violates the prescription against theft, because socialism is indeed theft even if you vote for the theft," he said.


"And it violates the prescription against jealousy -- you're not supposed to envy your neighbor, you're not supposed to covet your neighbor's property," said Shapiro. "That's what socialism is about."

In the Future, We'll Know Everything-Thanks to This Tech


We're rapidly approaching the era of abundant knowledge—a time when you can know anything you want, anywhere you want, anytime you want. An era of radical transparency.

By 2020, it's estimated we'll have 50 billion connected devices, which will generate over 600 zettabytes of information.


The global network of connectivity, drones, and satellites are not only connecting people, they're also connecting things—devices and sensors to form the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything.


North Korea news: Scientists attempt to clone humans | Daily Star

Dog cloning may lead to Jurassic Park-style un-extinctions  


In a nod to Jurassic Park, Hwang is also using intact tissue frozen for thousands of years in Siberia to attempt to resurrect the woolly mammoth, fusing ancient cells recovered from the frozen tundra with donor eggs from modern-day elephants," VF reports. 

Scientists set up revised 'Rio Scale' to rate claims of alien contact - GeekWire

Could 'mysterious radio signals' prove the existence of God? [Video]  


Scientists have detected a 'mysterious radio signal' in space with a frequency nearly 200 megahertz lower than any other radio burst ever detected. Dr. Hugh Ross shares his thoughts on where this signal may be coming from and what it could mean.


AI Wants to Identify, Vilify, Nullify


Filmmaker, author, and veteran radio host Steve Quayle says there is not just a plan to take down the President, but a much larger plan to take down America.


The plan depends on artificial intelligence (AI) to get this done. Steve Quayle explains, "The United States, by all evidence, is undergoing a behind the scenes, total attempt to overthrow and take down President Trump and to identify all of his followers . . . by whatever means possible. I believe there is an orchestrated attempt and takedown underway to assassinate Alex Jones and those who are on talk radio.


I have been on talk radio 25 years. The entire program is based on artificial intelligence (AI). We have assassination algorithms (AA) and not just AI, but AA. What is being postulated is simply this: to identify, vilify, nullify and destroy."

Pope Francis Rewrites Catholicism ... and the Bible


Pope Francis, the product of Latin American liberation theology -- along with many other Catholic religious and lay leaders -- is remaking Catholicism in the image of leftism, just as mainstream Protestant leaders have been rendering much of mainstream Protestantism a branch of leftism, and non-Orthodox Jewish clergy and lay leaders have been rendering most non-Orthodox synagogues and lay institutions left-wing organizations.


The Illuminati's Globalist Agenda | Illuminati Official Website |

Since the earliest beginnings of the Illuminati, before the writing of our eternal oaths or the utterance of our vows as humanity's protectors, our organization has advocated for the ultimate goal of a globalist Earth.


Our vision for the future is a unified planet without national borders, governed by the best and the brightest of the human species, in which all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.


A globalist society would mean the abandonment of divisions between countries and an end to the millennia of wars fought over land and its assets. It is an end to the hoarding and stockpiling of excess resources by one country while another country's people starve. It is the idea that all humans are both individuals and also part of an extended species family, and that no human should be left behind simply because of the random chance of where they were born.


In the current Age of War, the rich must hoard their supplies to ensure the safety of their children through this time of chaos. Their obelisks and factories can only be built through the work of necessitous masses.


But a different age is nearly upon us – a post-labor civilization maintained by autonomous machinery and powered with unlimited energy. In the coming Age of Illuminatiam, all who seek riches receive the riches they deserve.

BREAKING: Colorado Civil Rights Commission Comes After Christian Baker AGAIN - This Time For Not Baking A Cake Celebrating Transgender Transition | Daily Wire

Housing affordability: Cities where middle class is priced out of market

Worst may be yet to come amid an extreme California wildfire season

Worst may be yet to come amid an extreme California wildfire season

First Transgender Nominee For Governor Thinks 'Radicalized Christians' Are A Problem | The Daily Caller

Grand Jury Report Into Sexual Abuse In 6 Pa. Dioceses Released < CBS Pittsburgh

House: Three More GOP Seats Join the Toss Up Column | The Cook Political Report

Watch as Trudeau says returning ISIS fighters can be a "powerful voice for preventing radicalization"

Omarosa's Story is FALLING APART, 'Apprentice' Producer Just Completely Quashed Her Claims - Truthfeed

Trump revokes security clearance for former CIA director John Brennan | Fox News

North KC, Missouri schools have gender neutral, unisex restrooms | The Kansas City Star

MIT Computer Model Predicts Dramatic Drop In Quality Of Life Around 2020 And The "End Of Civilization" Around 2040

Mystery Russian satellite's behaviour raises alarm in US - BBC News

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Omarosa's Trump tape story unravels, as more officials challenge 'N-word' claim | Fox News

Strzok firing 'shows Mueller probe compromised'

D'Souza: Antifa the 'real' brownshirts

Immigration experts: U.N. handling key parts of U.S. foreign policy

CNN contributor: Criticism of Muslims 'domestic terror'

Chinese Cops Now Spying on American Soil

Muslim man 'enraged when daughter converted to Christianity' gets death penalty for 'honor killings' | Daily Mail Online

SICK WORLD>>>>>Sex robots could IMPROVE marriages by letting spouses focus more on companionship, expert claims | Daily Mail Online

Vermont primary: first transgender individual to be a major party candidate for governor....Christine Hallquist wins Democratic primary


Vermont Democrats made history Tuesday by nominating Christine Hallquist as the first transgender individual to be a major party candidate for governor.

BIG PRAISE REPORT about yesterdays update.... Important Radio...and a Mission Update


Yesterday I put out a Mission and Radio update about the hosting for radio which costs $600 a year…I did NOT receive one donation…of money to pay for it…BUT…the company who I told we were having a problem paying the high amount did this….

Here's what we're going to do for you - a gift of 1 year of Broadcaster starting today (until Aug 14, 2019).  At that time, please write us back for a code for a Broadcaster for $99 annual.  Does that work for you?  While we certainly have to run a business and keep the lights on, we want your mission to success and want to support you however we can. 

Wow, the FATHER answered our prayers as HE has so many times, what I find that is so about HIM is that he knows better than us how to do things as NO money came but HE just worked on the place money was due….

Now we are still in great need as Radio air-time which is satellite and some FM needs paid, American Voice Radio is a small operation, they need their money, we owe them $400 so join with me in prayer that something happens with this….we use the radio broadcast for the podcast…no we do not pre record programs they are live radio recorded for the podcast.

We also are still in the summer slump so let's pray the Bills get paid and food or money for food and paper products come….so basically we are praying for the NEEDS of the Mission Church, so pray with us please….

Lift us in prayer, help if you can,

Yesterdays Message below

Radio and the Mission church are tied together, without radio we lose our main fund raiser, SO help radio today you help the whole ministry

Ok I am going to start with radio, we used to have our radio programs at our web site called that was has long passed, they currently are uploaded after live radio at Podomatic…to host all our programs ongoing the cost is $600 a year. That is due at August 29th we have no funds for it.

I am looking for a cheaper solution and doing so are finding that Podomatic not only seems very high in some case double what others are charging but also limits my stats so I do not really know how much our programs is being played etc

Some of the other solutions help build your listeners..

I do have someone who will work with me to figure out the best solution, but we need set up money, first I need to buy the new site for  $14 a month that is $168 if my math is right and $170 for the add on , roughly $338 plus a few bucks for pay pal fee….I would like to raise $400 for this?

Clearly we need a cheaper upgrade.

This would save the programs and help greatly, and also help us build more listeners which translates into more support for the Mission Church..

Also radio airtime is due, we now owe $400….?  We have been on this station since 2004 and we are even looking as a way to change this as it is up for prayer, but $250 a month for airtime is cheap

Things should be much better after we get past summer as  when school starts we have newer guests and the donations go back up if they act as the last few years…BUT this is an emergency we need to take care of right now…


In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

Main donation page

National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide

Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed

Breaking News and Radio Blog

Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry

Donations and Contact

Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851




Grand Jury Report Into Sexual Abuse In 6 Pa. Dioceses Released < CBS Pittsburgh

Red tide along Florida's Gulf Coast leads Gov. Scott to declare state of emergency | Fox News

Scorned FBI Lover Lisa Page Torched Cheating FBI Partner Peter Strzok; "Lisa is on a Warpath" - True PunditTrue Pundit

Ninth Circuit allows Mexican citizens to sue American Border Patrol agents - Conservative Review

'He Blames The Victim': Chicago Pastor Sends Brutal Message To Mayor Rahm Emanuel - Chicks On The Right - Young Conservatives

Ultra-Wealthy Elitists Are Having Their Brains Frozen So That They Can "Come Back To Life" 100s Of Years In The Future

RUDY DROPS ANOTHER BOMB=> Mueller Team Committed Crimes -- John Brennan Should be Before Grand Jury (VIDEO)

The Real Reasons Peter Strzok was Fired from the FBI - Sara A. Carter

Monday, August 13, 2018

Masked Antifa Thugs Chant "F*ck the Pigs!" as They March Towards 'Unite the Right' Rally (VIDEO)

Donald Trump: Jeff Sessions 'Scared Stiff' and 'Missing in Action' on Russia Probe | Breitbart

Watch - Antifa Chants Death to America: 'No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!'

Watch - Antifa Chants Death to America: 'No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!'

Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar | The Independent

Trump's 2020 campaign says it might SUE Omarosa for breaching 2016 non-disclosure agreement | Daily Mail Online

Roger Stone: The Witch Hunt Continues | The Daily Caller

Important Radio...and a Mission Update


Radio and the Mission church are tied together, without radio we lose our main fund raiser, SO help radio today you help the whole ministry

Ok I am going to start with radio, we used to have our radio programs at our web site called that was has long passed, they currently are uploaded after live radio at Podomatic…to host all our programs ongoing the cost is $600 a year. That is due at August 29th we have no funds for it.

I am looking for a cheaper solution and doing so are finding that Podomatic not only seems very high in some case double what others are charging but also limits my stats so I do not really know how much our programs is being played etc

Some of the other solutions help build your listeners..

I do have someone who will work with me to figure out the best solution, but we need set up money, first I need to buy the new site for  $14 a month that is $168 if my math is right and $170 for the add on , roughly $338 plus a few bucks for pay pal fee….I would like to raise $400 for this?

Clearly we need a cheaper upgrade.

This would save the programs and help greatly, and also help us build more listeners which translates into more support for the Mission Church..

Also radio airtime is due, we now owe $400….?  We have been on this station since 2004 and we are even looking as a way to change this as it is up for prayer, but $250 a month for airtime is cheap

Things should be much better after we get past summer as  when school starts we have newer guests and the donations go back up if they act as the last few years…BUT this is an emergency we need to take care of right now…

Lift us in prayer, help if you can,

In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

Main donation page

National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide

Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed

Breaking News and Radio Blog

Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry

Donations and Contact

Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851




Horrifying details released in investigation of 'extremist Muslim' compound that allegedly conducted school-shooting training | Fox News

Apocalyptic computer model from 1973 MIT research predicts end of civilisation by 2040 | Weird | News |

Illuminati 'goes PUBLIC' with website ahead of New World Order | Weird | News |

Apocalyptic computer model from 1973 MIT research predicts end of civilisation by 2040 | Weird | News |

Antifa Vows "Bullets" For Political Enemies; Media Ignores Threat

'Do Him Like Gaddafi' - Antifa Protesters Caught On Video Threatening To Kill The President | The Daily Caller

'I would murder him, for the people'

Trump Reacts After Peter Strzok Fired From The FBI; Strzok Attorney Responds | Zero Hedge

Author warns of 'tsunami of voter fraud' in November - World Tribune: Window on the Real World  


Eggers concluded: "I actually think that because of the lax oversight and the organized effort, motivated like never before, to take back the House, take back the Senate, impeach the president, end ICE, I think we're actually poised for a tsunami of voter fraud."


Leftist organizations funded by George Soros work to cut off efforts to implement voter-ID laws, Eggers said. The same organizations also work to stop those who seek to prevent double-voting by persons registered to vote in multiple states.


The Soros-funded organizations "both fight to keep those vulnerabilities in place, as in Ohio, by trying to prevent efforts to pass voter-ID laws or to make the voter rolls more secure; but then they also – and this is really the insidious part – they fund organizations that go out and round up voters, regardless of legality of their status, and force them through the vulnerabilities in the system," Eggers said.


"There are 248 counties in this country that have more registered voters than actual citizens of legal voting age. It's a problem because it creates opportunity for organizations like the formerly known ACORN and La Raza – they're all funded by Soros – to go and figure out where the vulnerabilities are and force the voters – whether they're legal or not – through the gaps."


Paul Craig Roberts Blasts Mueller's 'Weaponization' Of The Law | Zero Hedge  


Manafort's career is involved with Republican political campaigns. He is charged with such crimes as paying for NY Yankee baseball tickets with offshore funds not declared to tax authorities and with attempting to get bank loans on the basis of misrepresentation of his financial condition.


In the prosecutors' case, Manafort doesn't have to have succeeded in getting a loan based on financial misrepresentation, only to be guilty of trying. 


Two of the people testifying against him have been paid off with dropped charges.


Kunstler: "There's Nothing Left Of American Common Culture Besides A Few Disney Movies" | Zero Hedge

Kunstler: "There's Nothing Left Of American Common Culture Besides A Few Disney Movies" | Zero Hedge

Infowars Website Traffic Explodes After Silicon Valley Blacklists Alex Jones Empire | Zero Hedge

Nation-State Law Advances Redemption - Breaking Israel News

'Do Him Like Gaddafi' - Antifa Protesters Caught On Video Threatening To Kill The President | The Daily Caller

FBI fires Peter Strzok, months after anti-Trump texts revealed | Fox News

10 Numbers That Prove That America's Current Financial Condition Is A Horror Show