Tuesday, August 14, 2018

BIG PRAISE REPORT about yesterdays update.... Important Radio...and a Mission Update


Yesterday I put out a Mission and Radio update about the hosting for radio which costs $600 a year…I did NOT receive one donation…of money to pay for it…BUT…the company who I told we were having a problem paying the high amount did this….

Here's what we're going to do for you - a gift of 1 year of Broadcaster starting today (until Aug 14, 2019).  At that time, please write us back for a code for a Broadcaster for $99 annual.  Does that work for you?  While we certainly have to run a business and keep the lights on, we want your mission to success and want to support you however we can. 

Wow, the FATHER answered our prayers as HE has so many times, what I find that is so about HIM is that he knows better than us how to do things as NO money came but HE just worked on the place money was due….

Now we are still in great need as Radio air-time which is satellite and some FM needs paid, American Voice Radio is a small operation, they need their money, we owe them $400 so join with me in prayer that something happens with this….we use the radio broadcast for the podcast…no we do not pre record programs they are live radio recorded for the podcast.

We also are still in the summer slump so let's pray the Bills get paid and food or money for food and paper products come….so basically we are praying for the NEEDS of the Mission Church, so pray with us please….

Lift us in prayer, help if you can,

Yesterdays Message below

Radio and the Mission church are tied together, without radio we lose our main fund raiser, SO help radio today you help the whole ministry

Ok I am going to start with radio, we used to have our radio programs at our web site called messiahsbranch.org that was has long passed, they currently are uploaded after live radio at Podomatic…to host all our programs ongoing the cost is $600 a year. That is due at August 29th we have no funds for it.

I am looking for a cheaper solution and doing so are finding that Podomatic not only seems very high in some case double what others are charging but also limits my stats so I do not really know how much our programs is being played etc

Some of the other solutions help build your listeners..

I do have someone who will work with me to figure out the best solution, but we need set up money, first I need to buy the new site for  $14 a month that is $168 if my math is right and $170 for the add on , roughly $338 plus a few bucks for pay pal fee….I would like to raise $400 for this?

Clearly we need a cheaper upgrade.

This would save the programs and help greatly, and also help us build more listeners which translates into more support for the Mission Church..

Also radio airtime is due, we now owe $400….?  We have been on this station since 2004 and we are even looking as a way to change this as it is up for prayer, but $250 a month for airtime is cheap

Things should be much better after we get past summer as  when school starts we have newer guests and the donations go back up if they act as the last few years…BUT this is an emergency we need to take care of right now…


In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

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