Friday, March 16, 2018

University: Looking at woman's ring finger banned

A Dire Warning from Congressman Duffy | Dan O'Donnell | News/Talk 1130 WISN

Hillary Clinton to announce her bid for the presidency - CBS News

UN panel says the U.S. owes reparations to African-Americans | PBS NewsHour

Strzok-Page texts reveal personal relationship between FBI official and judge recused from Flynn case | Fox News

DiGenova: Strzok, Clapper Ignored Possible Hack of Hillary's Server 'With Consent of Obama' | Fox News Insider

Spaghetti ...a short Mission Update

James 2 King James Version (KJV)

14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,

16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?

22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?

23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?

26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.




So many people today! It's all about faith we so far have not ran out of anything for today but we still have an hour left on egg sandwiches and then dinner at 4;30 PM and It's a day I came over here almost on empty and I need to get home tonight J. We are in need of support badly. Things are getting better but we need your prayers and support now if possible…

I am also short on help today so I must go make dinner, we are having Spaghetti! I will post pictures on the Wichita Mission Church face book page later

Lift us in prayer, help if you can,

In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide


Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed

Breaking News and Radio Blog

Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry

Donations and Contact

Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851




Humans bred with this mysterious species more than once, new study shows - The Washington Post

Russia to expel UK diplomats as crisis over nerve toxin attack deepens

Ohio Student Suspended for Refusing to Leave Classroom During Gun Control Walkout

The curious case of Parkland school shooting student survivor Emma Gonzalez |

Thursday, March 15, 2018

'Nano Tech Inside Human Brain Can Make it Billion Times Smarter' - Futurist - Sputnik International

Liberty's Cinematic Arts Dept. Addresses the "Trump Prophecies" Film -

Has The King Of The East Now Taken His Throne? China's New Emperor For Life

Can Christians Be Demon-Possessed? Theologians Answer

The Copper Scroll Project

The Copper Scroll Project: In Search of the Ark of the Covenant

A mysterious anomaly under Africa is radically weakening Earth's magnetic field

Bioengineers today emphasize the crucial ingredient Dr. Frankenstein forgot - responsibility - Chicago Tribune

Blood on the Shroud: An Interview with the Blood Investigator of the Shroud of Turin Research Project | Ancient Origins

Rabbi Yehudah Glick Reads Trump Into Bible - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Report: Millions Converting to Christianity in China |

Amazon's Alexa voice assistant won't stop randomly laughing | Daily Mail Online

True Radical Faith | The Jim Bakker Show

Disney's 'A Wrinkle in Time' Cuts Bible References and Erases God, Jesus, Christian Artists From L'Engle's Classic Novel

The Case for Making Chimp-Humans

Quantum Archaeology: The Quest to 3D-Bioprint Every Dead Person Back to Life

'HAMMER' Time? Spacecraft Could Nuke Dangerous Asteroid to Defend Earth

The Vatican, the exorcists and the return of the Devil in a time of enchantment

The Enigma of Edinburgh's Miniature Coffins | Mental Floss

Senators join call for 2nd special counsel

Russia hacking attempts into U.S. grid confirmed

California pushes abortion by depicting pregnant women as stupid

Horrible development: Abortions based on chromosomes

China launches new campaign against Christianity

20 U.S. states with most guns per capita

Never before have so few controlled so much debate

Dossier author doubted Trump 'golden showers' tale

BIGFOOT LATEST: Does digital breakthrough reveal truth about infamous sasquatch footage? | Weird | News |

BIGFOOT LATEST: Does digital breakthrough reveal truth about infamous sasquatch footage? | Weird | News |

Billy Graham shock: Antichrist will soon be revealed as END OF THE WORLD is near | Weird | News |

Abortionist: I Cut Unborn Babies' Throats So They Can't Scream |

Time travel SHOCK: Agent from 2043 warns of North Korean WW3 in 2019 | Weird | News |

U.N. to U.S.: You need to write check for Palestinians

Time travelling SHOCK: 'Noah from 2030' details top-secret government base | Weird | News |

US hits Russia with sanctions for election meddling | World | News |

Russia World Cup BOYCOTT: MPs call for UK to pull out of football tournament | World | News |

Bankrate: 65% of Americans save little or nothing

In a first, U.S. blames Russia for cyber attacks on energy grid



March 15, 2018 06:41 PM PDT

Joel Richardson

END-Time Invasion of Israel..A must listen to radio program!

"Islamic Countries Will Lay Siege To Israel
"Among the decisions that can be taken at the OIC [summit] is to form a 'Jerusalem Task Group.' In this framework, military steps are likely to be taken. The [Muslim] armies, ranging from Africa to Asia, surpass the Israeli [army in might]. So if an Islamic army is formed, Israel will be under a siege.

"At The First Stage: 250 Thousand Soldiers
"In a possible military operation, the first step is expected to involve 250,000 soldiers, and the establishment of joint land, air and naval bases for use in the short term.
"500 tanks and armored vehicles, 100 war planes, 500 attack helicopters and 50 warships and submarines can be mobilized.

Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as "We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"
Please visit
Also please visit
"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It's up to you to pray and sort it out!"

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End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - PROPHECY HOUR: PASSOVER


March 15, 2018 06:21 PM PDT


Pastor Dan & Linda Catlin

Great back and forth with Pastor Dan and his wife about Passover and baby drop boxes….

Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as
"We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"
Please visit
Also please visit

"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It is up to you to pray and sort it out!"

Linda Catlin 03.15.2018

Greetings Saints and Welcome to the Messiah's Branch 'Prophecy Hour"
We are broadcasting Live from the
Flint hills of Kansas and we are on
the American Voice Radio Network….

Send to Friends | Download | Permalink


Demand Grows for Second Special Counsel from Senate | Sara A. Carter

Palestinian UN agency scours EU for funding after US pull out

Welcome to NEOM, Saudi Arabia's $500-Billion Self-Governed Tech Hub of the Future | Big Think

Saudi Arabia Just Announced Plans to Build a Mega City That Will Cost $500 Billion - Bloomberg

Turkish Daily Calls to Form Muslim Army against Israel | MEMRI

Erdogan's Vision: Uniting an 'Army of Islam' to Destroy Israel in 10 Days | CBN News

Did Yeshua Resurrect on Sunday? - Arthur Bailey Ministries

Arctic Warming Study Has Huge Flaws | The Daily Caller

Republican Lawmaker Pushes Tax-Per-Mile To Replace Gas Tax | Trending

Nationwide student walkout organized by anti-NRA group - World Tribune: Window on the Real World

Report: Blanket media coverage of nationwide student walkout pushed 5 false assumptions - World Tribune: Window on the Real World

Manafort lawyers seek dismissal of charges they say predate 2016 campaign, don't involve Russia - World Tribune: Window on the Real World

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Paul Ryan Helped Dem Conor Lamb's PA Victory - Truthfeed

Elizabeth Warren is Left SPEECHLESS After Genealogy Expert Reveals Her TRUE Ancestry - Truthfeed

Bill O'Reilly says parts of California 'almost destroyed' by liberals

HAPPENING NOW: GOP Uncovers Voter Machine Errors in PA Election - Truthfeed

CAL THOMAS: Apocalypse now?

Media Wants You to Feel Sorry For Deported Illegal Mom, But Tucker Exposes the TRUTH - Truthfeed

Trump's tariffs are not protectionist. They're a return to free trade.DARREN BRUNO: Trump's tariffs are not protectionist. They're a return to free trade.

JOHN RANSOM: Why China fears a trade war

LARRY ELDER: Dem pundit: 'Paying off a porn star is presidential?'

FIU pedestrian bridge collapses, people trapped underneath | Miami Herald

Climate change cultists are waking up and starting to realize the Left's climate fear-mongering was total HYPE -

Climate change cultists are waking up and starting to realize the Left's climate fear-mongering was total HYPE -

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Smart Meters could be overbilling you by a whopping 582% -

Nikki Haley: Russia could use chemical weapons in New York

Gov't tries to shove Easter Bunny down Christian family's throat

Can Science Make Alcohol Safer? - WSJ

Thousands Of Students Across Region Take Part In National Walkout Day < CBS Philly

Nikki Haley warns: Russia could use chemical weapons in New York

Florida: Muslim teen who murdered boy read Quran beforehand "to give him courage to carry out his intentions"

Limbaugh: Why Dems should fret over Pennsylvania

Erdogan's Vision: Uniting an 'Army of Islam' to Destroy Israel in 10 Days | CBN News

THOUGHT POLICE: YouTube to start "correcting" controversial videos with "facts" from discredited Wikipedia pages run by disinfo trolls -

Oops: NYT Accidentally Runs "Climate Change" Story That Destroys Climate Change Narrative

Pardoned Sailor Shocks, Reveals Obama Admin. Destroyed His Life Over Hillary

Fearing Charges of Racism, Cops Refused to Bust Massive Child Sex Ring

Dick Morris: GOP Poised for Big Senate Win

Florida Bringing Back True Freedom of Speech, Bans Liberal Free Speech Zones

Developing: Trump Surprise Attack, Openly Talks About 'Phase Two' of Tax Cuts

Watch: Border Agent Drops Jaws as He Tells Trump What Border Wall's Made of

Tillerson fired over rogue bid to save Iran nuke deal

Donald Trump grew wary of Andrew McCabe in wake of debunked New York Times story - Washington Times

Pennsylvania special House election too close to call; 3,900 absentee ballots to be counted | Fox News

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Black Man Blows the Lid Off the Real Reason the Left Keeps Calling Trump Racist

Ever Wonder Who'd Win a 2nd Civil War? This Colonel Did the Math and It's Brutal

Ever Wonder Who'd Win a 2nd Civil War? This Colonel Did the Math and It's Brutal

SK Media Reporting What KJU Wants From Trump, and It's Not What We Thought

ICE Director Fires Back at Nancy Pelosi: 'How Dare You' Call ICE Agents 'Cowardly' | Fox News Insider

Nikki Haley Sets UN on Fire: If You Don't Move, Our Military Will

Without the Wall 'We're Not Going to Have a Country': Trump Visits CA Border, Rips Gov. Brown | Fox News Insider

Trump praises military, calls for 'Space Force' as new branch of armed forces | Fox News

Trump demands aides pump up anti-China tariffs - POLITICO

Gina Haspel nominated as CIA's first female director: 5 things to know about the career spymaster | Fox News

Why was Rex Tillerson fired? Think North Korea | Fox News

Gina Haspel, C.I.A. Deputy Director, Had Leading Role in Torture - The New York Times

ICE 'testing our defenses,' San Francisco sheriff says, after federal agents manage to interview inmate in sanctuary city | Fox News

Monday, March 12, 2018

Yellowstone volcano: Earthquakes strike under supervolcano | Science | News |

College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders | Fox News

Praise report


Praying that we found the truck problem….part of the problem is that the manifold gasket blew and put water where it was not supposed to be..causing plugs to fowl out and overheating…but unsure why it blew so we will replace the pump and thermostat … we also found the PCV valve was or is gone which has caused large amounts of oil to be sucked into the intake thus burning oil…

So I need your prayers for two things, one that fixing all this will fix it and two money comes to buy the parts ( we will only use donations for this that are for this)


It need's ( this price is about $264 or thereabouts depending on where I get them. This is much cheaper than an engine or replacing the whole truck)

Intake manifold Gasket set


3 gallons of anti-freeze

Water pump and gasket

Plugs air valve that goes in this weirdo box under the manifold


Oil change

PCV valve

The Mission Has all kind's of needs…

We need KJV large print bibles for one, we did receive 5 with very nice covers today! They will be gone on Friday….


Lift us in prayer, Help if you can

In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

Main donation page

National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide

Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed

Breaking News and Radio Blog

Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry

Donations and Contact

Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851




What College Students Really Think About Free Speech - The New York Times

Hedge Fund CIO: "What's Next Is Messy, And You Better Hope We Succeed. If We Fail, We'll Implode" | Zero Hedge

5 Of The Most Violent Cities In The World Are Right Here In America | Zero Hedge

Pentagon Official: China's Hypersonic Missiles Could Threaten US Navy's "Entire Surface Fleet" | Zero Hedge

Lawrence Solomon: The Real Reason For Trump's Steel Tariffs? He's Preparing For War | Zero Hedge

China Reveals Largest Defense Budget In Three Years | Zero Hedge

Former CIA Officer Exposes Clinton Charity Fraud As Biggest Scandal In US History | Zero Hedge

Trump Comments On Gun Control, Will Wait For Court Before Acting On Age Restrictions | Zero Hedge

Congressman Explains Why The Corruption In Washington Is Much Worse Than You Think | Zero Hedge

The OPEC Deal Could Fall Apart In June | Zero Hedge

"No Response" Yet From North Korea On Talks With Trump | Zero Hedge

Mueller Said To Be "Close To Completion" Of Trump Obstruction Probe | Zero Hedge

The New Atomic Age: Nuclear Fusion And Beyond | Zero Hedge

Chinese Space Station May Crash Into Michigan In Three Weeks | Zero Hedge

Russia Retires "Satan": Moscow Replaces Massive Soviet-Era ICBM With Hypersonic Nuke | Zero Hedge

Man Cited As Trump's "Russian Link" Actually Works For The FBI | Zero Hedge

Trump touts House Intel findings of 'no evidence of collusion' between campaign, Russia | Fox News

Pence calls for ABC News star Joy Behar to apologize for 'slander' against Christians | Fox News

Will Turkey Lead An End-of-Days Global Islamic Jihad Against Israel And The US? - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

A recent study by a Middle East analysis organization based in Washington DC revealed that the Turkish president's call for 57 nations to join together to form an anti-Israel army of Islam could create the most formidable military force on the planet.

Robert Mueller invokes 'conspiracy to defraud government' charge in Russia probe - Washington Times

Homosexual Files Lawsuit Against His Christian Employer So He Can Dress Up Like A Woman At Work, The State Of Michigan Says 'Your Religion Does Not Matter Because Your Beliefs Are A Form Of Discrimination' | Walid Shoebat

Science confirms Genesis Flood account, again

Trump wants a 'phase two' of tax cuts

'Our Lions Have Infiltrated': ISIS Video Depicts Future Caliphate in West

House committee releases verdict in Russia probe: No collusion

Republicans on House panel draft report saying there was no collusion between Trump and Russia - The Boston Globe

Missouri a destination wedding spot for child brides | The Wichita Eagle

Draft GOP report: No coordination between Trump and Russia

Fox News Touts 'Real' News and Opinion in Marketing Push | Media - AdAge

FBI Insiders Blow Whistle on Massive Las Vegas Cover Up; Agents Told Not to Investigate Key Evidence Including ISIS Terror Link to Mandalay Bay Massacre - True PunditTrue Pundit

Austin package explosions leave teen dead, women hurt after three blasts in 2 weeks | Fox News

Expert warns of "terrifying" potential of digitally-altered video - CBS News

O.J. Simpson's 'hypothetical' confession sparks social media frenzy | Fox News