Monday, March 12, 2018

Praise report


Praying that we found the truck problem….part of the problem is that the manifold gasket blew and put water where it was not supposed to be..causing plugs to fowl out and overheating…but unsure why it blew so we will replace the pump and thermostat … we also found the PCV valve was or is gone which has caused large amounts of oil to be sucked into the intake thus burning oil…

So I need your prayers for two things, one that fixing all this will fix it and two money comes to buy the parts ( we will only use donations for this that are for this)


It need's ( this price is about $264 or thereabouts depending on where I get them. This is much cheaper than an engine or replacing the whole truck)

Intake manifold Gasket set


3 gallons of anti-freeze

Water pump and gasket

Plugs air valve that goes in this weirdo box under the manifold


Oil change

PCV valve

The Mission Has all kind's of needs…

We need KJV large print bibles for one, we did receive 5 with very nice covers today! They will be gone on Friday….


Lift us in prayer, Help if you can

In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

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