Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Mission Update..bus, radio, and Mission Church..FOOD needed 

Maybe a replacement for our very old bus which need's almost a $1000 for general repair to keep it on the road this year..

Our current bus need's brakes, heater work, tires, tune up, exhaust work…


Please pray for all these needs

Mission Church

Well right now we badly need to buy meat and other food for the Wichita Mission Church, while the economy is getting better we have not really seen it, yes some of our donors have increased but the few that have are well few…it has helped greatly but we are not near back to where we were a few years ago before things tanked so to speak…

Right now we need the basics, eggs, bread, MEAT (realize 10 pounds of hamburger can feed over 60 people when made into things!) vegetables etc…We are still seeing new faces all the time..we are about to start our 19th year in June! The FATHER has never let us down…

We need large print KJV Bibles, Coats, blankets, sleeping bags, first aid things, the poor need what you need!


Our very old bus which need's almost a $1000 (maybe more)for general repair to keep it on the road this year..Our current bus need's brakes, heater work, tires, tune up, exhaust work…unsure really how much it will cost as tires etc  I spotted this one above on craigslist, thought maybe one of our supporters might even do a go fund me or something….


Am still impressed at how many different countries our programs are listen to in..some folks have listened for 15 years! We still need your help to pay airtime  as but it does reach people all over the world!  Airtime is past due it is $250 …

In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

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