Monday, July 6, 2015

Visual evidence of Hillary's 'secret war'

NEW YORK – The allegation that Hillary Clinton's State Department secretly provided arms to jihadists in Libya has been further bolstered by videos and photographs provided to WND by Libyan expatriates, including a video showing the chief spokesman for the Moammar Gadhafi regime displaying to reporters a cache of weapons and ammunition seized from a ship from Qatar.

The images support the conclusion reached by the Citizen's Commission on Benghazi that the Obama White House and the State Department under the management of Hillary Clinton "changed sides in the War on Terror" in 2011 by implementing a policy of facilitating the delivery of weapons to the al Qaida-dominated rebel militias attempting to overthrow Gadhafi.

In addition, reported in May that emails released by the State Department show Hillary Clinton's interest in arming Libyan opposition groups before the fall of Gadhafi in 2011, even though the United States and United Nations prohibited arming without following strict guidelines and oversight.



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