Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Top TV host admits: Dems want illegals for votes

WASHINGTON – Liberal talk-show host Chris Matthews has candidly admitted what Democrats steadfastly refuse to acknowledge: They favor immigration amnesty because it could help them win elections.

While interviewing former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on MSNBC on Monday, Matthews said, "the Democrats want votes, let's face it."

"Would you trust either party to enforce the laws on illegal hiring? Would you trust either party to enforce that law? Either party? They want cheap labor. And the Democrats want votes, let's face it," Matthews said.

When President Obama announced in November his executive action to give 5 million illegal immigrants amnesty, he said it was so they could "come out of the shadows and get right with the law."

Matthews was clearly referring to illegal immigrants when he said "Democrats want votes," because he had just prefaced that remark by observing neither Democrats nor Republicans want to crack down on the hiring of illegal immigrants


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