Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mom's Great, 4th of July, and all lists



Trying to get things back to normal? Really unsure what that would be but I am trying my routine was messed up when we went though the medical problems with my wife, WHO by the way is doing great!


She has recovered from about 90% of the symptoms she had with the Bell's palsy, just a little slur left when she get's excited….but the rest is back!


The Operation for the aneurism is a success with a recheck in a year….let me say this made us all relook at things…



 Radio remains as the 1 one place donations come from that is people who listen, we have seen some increase in donations which has helped and we have a plan for the future…you should see a positive change in radio and well over-all for everything Messiah's Branch does.


Summer it's harder to get radio guest but we do have some good ones! Last week Jan Markell was a great guest if you have not heard her interview then I would go to the archives an listen up.  


Radio Air-time is due or was yesterday we need to raise $305


If you know if any good guests let me know or  316-619-4886


Of course as it is the 1st of the month Mission Church bills are due and we need to stock food, as well as need Bibles and Medical supplies


Lift us in prayer, help if you can,


Oh on a personal note HAVE GREAT 4th of JULY!

It is also my birthday and I will be 60, not that it matters!



In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


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