Friday, July 3, 2015

Evil Unbound


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Evil Unbound


Evil has escaped its prison and now lays waste to people and nations. Those given the responsibility of keeping evil in chains, recline on their couches and bask in the warmth of their televisions. They invited evil into their homes and can no longer identify what is evil, and what is not.

We forgot that glorifying God with words, deeds and our very lives was more than a Sunday service. We forgot that nothing – NOTHING – is more important than God. We forgot that eternity awaits…

…and that the price we pay for our own evil…

…will be forever.

If you have forgotten God, repent now.


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Evil Unbound

On the morning of Friday, June 26th, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America legalized gay marriage, and put another nail in our coffin. They shook their fist at God and declared their rebellion against all that is good.

I thought that it was a threadbare and pathetic demonstration, and I'm sure that God wasn't very impressed either. And, it was a sideshow, anyway – a foregone conclusion that had its origin in our pews and pulpits.

We Did This

Yes, WE were the ones who did this.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

Ah yes, we do so love to have our ears scratched by pastors who give us doctrines that we want to hear. We quickly get rid of ANY pastor who would dare to give us something so cold and hard… as the truth.

I am weary with having to get up and point out the obvious to simple-minded Christians who should know better.

Have we so quickly forgotten the suffering that Christ experienced, for us, in our place?


Are You Reflecting The Light Of Christ?

Jesus told us that we are to be the light of the world. God gave us that light so that others who wish to have this light would come to Christ.

Can you say that you are a reflection of Christ into a dark world?

Can you point to ANY evidence in your life that someone could identify as a characteristic of one who follows Christ?

To ask that question another way:

Is there ANYTHING about you that people can see, that is different?

And no, I am NOT talking about a shallow, self-righteous holiness. I'm talking about something soul-deep that yearns for a righteous and holy God.

I Am Appalled

I am appalled at an ungrateful, unloving, corrupt and unholy body of Christians. We are mindless, ignorant and apathetic. We do not mourn for the sins of the nation. We can barely muster enough care to mourn for our own sins – let alone, the sins of others.

Those of you that have leaped up with cries and shouts of indignation, please shut up and sit down. This is a time for sackcloth and ashes, mourning for our sins that led us to this moment in time.

We have quenched the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit has gone to those who welcome Him with an open heart.

A Christian China

I sit at the doorstep of China, where a hundred million Christians live out lives of faith. They shine brightly in a sea of darkness, suffering persecution – yet, giving glory to God. If we had just a tiny fraction of their faithfulness, we would not be where we are today.

When I look at the evil that has crept in to Taiwan – from America – I know that the United States MUST be destroyed, if for no other reason than the preservation of faithful Christians trying to stay uncorrupted, elsewhere in the world.

I have been repeatedly hearing that it takes just a 3.5% of a society to make a successful revolution possible – if that 3.5% are motivated enough. In America, that would mean just a little over 11 million people.

Are there even 11 million Christians in America that are serious about following Christ?


Persecution Comes

I would be shocked if there were even a million of the same caliber as the Chinese Christians. But, since God is good, He will not leave us in our sin. He will purify the church in America, just as it was purified in China – with persecution.

I wish that there was another way, but there isn't. Evil has come, and persecution follows close behind. We did this, and now we must live with what we have done.

Let's Talk About Pure Evil

So, let's take a look at Evil. I hope that you have your blood-pressure medicine handy, because you are going to need it:

An artist's impression of this week in America

An artist's impression of this week in America

I Live in Sodom and You Live in Gomorrah Because America Is Dead

DOJ To Legalize Beastiality And Pedophilia Among 12 New Perversions In Secret Memo

More Than A Dozen Landmarks You Won't Believe Were Turned Rainbow

These 35 Companies Just Told America Exactly What They Think About the SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling


Pentagon urged to boot chaplains who oppose 'gay' marriage

Satanic Child Abuse


PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING: Rock Star Admits He's Been to Snuff Parties Where People Were Murdered For Entertainment

Government Corruption

$200 Million Went to House Members to Pass Fast Track – Here's Who Took the Cash

The US Constitution (2015 Edition)

The US Constitution (2015 Edition)

Shocking Proof Of EXACTLY How Dems Want To Forever Change America In This Huge Way

Obama Issues 19 Classified Directives Changing Laws Passed by Congress

Five Reasons Why America Is Done

Report Reveals $8.5 Trillion Missing From Pentagon Budget

Corruption is Legal in America

YouTube shortlink:

Police Terrorism

Woman Calls Cops For Help With Suicidal Boyfriend, Cops Turn Up And Kill Him, Tell her "That's what we do"

Michigan Police Seize Kids from Family For "Camping"

The Biggest Crooks In America Are Now The Cops

Family Raided by SWAT and their Dog Shot, for Being Unable to Pay Utility Bill

Police Killings At An All-Time High

Ain't That Amerika: Routine State Terrorism in the Imperial Capital

Law Enforcement Seizes $11,000 From 24-Year-Old at Airport Without Charging Him With a Crime

Sandy Hook

And, then we have a glimpse of another dark and sinister evil. Something is wrong with Sandy Hook, and I'm not completely sure that we have all the answers, but there is someone who is trying to find out:

Sandy Hook Justice

Newton, CT Insider Reveals DHS Involvement In Sandy Hook Massacre

THAT is a LOT of evil.


I talked about Christians in China, and I am concerned about their plight – because there are serious financial problems in China. And, if we aren't careful, those problems will come looking for us.

A Desperate China Cuts Key Policy Rates After Stock Market Crash; "It's Just Like 1987″

Chinese Stocks Crash Most In 19 Years, Re-Open Limit Down (Despite PBOC Hail Mary)

NSA Leak: "Washington Is Negotiating With Every Nation That Borders China… So As To 'Confront' Beijing"

Red China Goes Redder, Stocks Tumble Despite Government Ban On Bearish Talk

The Market Detonation You're Ignoring: "The Chinese Market Is In An All-On Crash"

Chart Of The Day: Is China Sending A Warning?

When The PBOC Went All-In: China Stocks See Biggest Intraday Swing In 23 Years

A Helpless China Tips Its Hand: A Market Crash "Poses Great Danger To Social Stability"

One More Reason Why China Will Rise

Now, if 100 million true Christians in China don't impress you, how about China's fight against pornography.

Now Hiring In China: Porn Identification Officers

Do you think that you'd see anything like that in America?

Right. China will rise. America will fall.

God's judgment is coming.


Now, let's turn to Greece:

"Heartbreaking" Scene Unfolds At Greek Banks As Pensioners Clamor For Cash

"What If Berlin And Frankfurt Do Not Budge" – How Varoufakis Saw The "Worst Case Scenario"

Carnage Continues: EU Equity Futures Crash 7%, Bund Yields Plunge 20bps, Italy/Spain Bonds Dumped

Defiant Tsipras Addresses Nation, Urges "No" Referendum Vote

Varoufakis Reveals Europe's Stunning Denial Of Greek People's Right To Vote

Yanis Reveals EU Denial of Any Right of the People to Vote

Greek Banks And Stock Exchange In Shutdown

Greek Referendum is a Vote on Grexit

Next Steps For Greece: The Complete Post-Referendum Roadmap

The Greek Bluff May Be Working: ECB Does Not "Haircut" ELA Collateral

The Greek Butterfly Effect

However, it appears that THIS may also be happening:

Greece Surrenders its Sovereignty to Brussels

Letter from Tsipras to the Troika

Depending on what happens on Sunday, and next week, this is what is about to happen:

'It's About To Happen – Very Soon' – 1994 Rev. David Wilkerson Sermon Warned Of Greece And What Comes Next – The Most Dangerous Time In History

Financial Collapse Is Certain

But, let's assume that Greece and China hold off on their collapse. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. But, one thing is certain, WE are racing straight for the financial Abyss:

The Economy Is Failing

"Strong Fundamentals" Meme Destroyed As US Manufacturing PMI Slows To Its Weakest Since October 2013

French Economy In "Dire Straits", "Worse Than Anyone Can Imagine", Leaked NSA Cable Reveals

Factory Orders Scream Recession: Annual Drop Biggest Since 2008


Pension Funds Are "Compromising Their Solvency" OECD Warns

Gordon T. Long – Greece And Puerto Rico: Public Pensions Come Undone

The Financial System

16 Facts About The Tremendous Financial Devastation That We Are Seeing All Over The World

America Is Its Own Worst Enemy – Trapped In Irrational Exuberance

Athens On The Potomac – It Could Never Happen Here, Right?

Collapsing CDS Market Will Lead To Global Bond Market Margin Call

Does HSBC Know Something Other Banks Don't?

The Collapse – Red Alert Issued

Moody's, Fitch Fret Over Billions In Student Loan ABS As Defaults Loom

A Financial Black Hole

The "Smartest Money" Is Liquidating Stocks At A Record Pace: "Selling Everything That's Not Bolted Down"

The 75 Trillion Dollar Shadow Banking System Is In Danger Of Collapsing

These 3 Countries Worry Corporate America the Most

The Care And Feeding Of A Financial Black Hole

Tomorrow Is July 4th

It is hard to celebrate America's Independence Day, when your country is evil. I grieve for my country. There was so much that was good in her, but that goodness has been overcome by evil.

I think that Nathan Leal has accurately described how I feel about America:

I Grieve

I too grieve for the land of my youth. I truly do. God bless you, Nathan.

And, as we look to our nation's birthday, think also of this recent betrayal:

US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State

I saw that yesterday, and I am truly sickened. How evil we are. How despicable. How vile.

So, when I saw this…

Report: FBI Agents Telling Friends & Family to 'Avoid July 4 Celebrations'

…maybe it will be 'poetic justice'.

I truly hope that there will be no terrorism tomorrow. And, if there is, it will undoubtedly be a 'false flag' like so many in the past.

I won't be able to celebrate Independence Day, tomorrow. I just can't. The evil is too much.

I am still in mourning for the land of my youth.

I truly hope that you'll be ready for this
(That's a link. Click it for a discussion on preparation.)

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.Proverbs 22:3


If you find a flaw in my reasoning, have a question, or wish to add your own viewpoint, leave a comment on the website. Your input is truly welcome.


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Categories: Banksters, Economy, Finance, Illuminati, Islam, Israel, Luciferianism, Police State, Video | Tags: 2 Timothy 4:3, 2 Timothy 4:3-4, 2 Timothy 4:4, China, Chinese Christians, Evil, Gay Marriage, Greece, July 4th, Nathan Leal, Police, Police Killings, Police Terrorism, Sandy Hook, Satan, Satanic Ritual Abuse, SCOTUS, SRA, Supreme Court | Permalink |

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