Sunday, April 13, 2014

FW: History was made today: Feds surrender to American Citizens at Bundy Ranch showdown



From: NaturalNews []
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 12:02 AM
Subject: History was made today: Feds surrender to American Citizens at Bundy Ranch showdown


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The Health RangerDear NaturalNews readers,

We have extraordinary news for you today:

The feds (BLM) have surrendered to We the People over the Bundy Ranch standoff in Nevada. Just hours ago, the feds announced a full retreat as a band of citizens stood against them in protest of federally-engineered cattle theft and an armed siege of an innocent rancher:


Hours earlier, the U.S. government ordered the FAA to erect a "No Fly Zone" over the Bundy Ranch, almost as if they were staging a war in Iraq! See the astonishing photo of the bovine concentration camps
the BLM had erected:


The situation had been rapidly escalating into America's "Tiananmen Square" incident, where bloodshed seemed imminent:


The lamestream media, meanwhile, pretended nothing was happening! On orders from Washington, every major media outlet willfully ignored this historic event and all but refused to cover it:


Finally today, the new replacement for resigning Kathleen Sebelius at HHS is none other than a pro-GMO, Bill & Melinda Gates operative wih ties to GMOs, Common Core and vaccine campaigns:


more news continues below...


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Sunday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 1-3PM EDT: Why did the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) back down in its efforts to confiscate Bundy's cattle and block access to grazing in Nevada? We may have just witnessed the very reason why the Founding Fathers wrote the First Amendment. Welcome to the new media. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at


Today on

- 4 natural tips to lower your cholesterol

- Probiotics: different strains for different gains

- Herbs for naturally treating the flu


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