Monday, April 7, 2014

FW: God's Divine Retribution against Those Who Are against Israel



From: chris moore []
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2014 5:59 PM
To: CHRIS MOORE; chris moore
Subject: God's Divine Retribution against Those Who Are against Israel



Go tell this to Kerry & Obama

Top US Senator to Abbas: Recognize Jewish State Now


Speaking Sunday, US Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Robert Menendez said that it was unacceptable for Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas to continue refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

“Notwithstanding any hopes we may harbor, one thing is certain, set in stone: President Abbas must recognize the Jewish state as a Jewish state without equivocation,” Menendez said.


Sources: Liberman Won't Leave Government


Sources in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's coalition said that despite comments by Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman earlier Sunday, they do not expect a coalition crisis to emerge.

“Yisrael Beytenu is unlikely to leave the coalition in the foreseeable future,” the sources said.



An Exceptional Article by Alan Dershowitz


Europe's Alarming Push to Isolate Israel

By Alan Dershowitz


When President Barack Obama warned of "international fallout" if Israel fails to embrace the latest U.S. Middle East peace proposal, Newsmax asked noted author and Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz to comment on the growing talk of a European boycott against Israel.

Why are so many of the grandchildren of Nazis and Nazi collaborators who brought us the Holocaust once again declaring war on the Jews?

Why have we seen such an increase in anti-Semitism and irrationally virulent anti-Zionism in western Europe?

To answer these questions, a myth must first be exposed. That myth is the one perpetrated by the French, the Dutch, the Norwegians, the Swiss, the Belgians, the Austrians, and many other western Europeans: namely that the Holocaust was solely the work of German Nazis aided perhaps by some Polish, Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian collaborators.




PA Official: 'Zionist' Indyk Protects Israel

Middle East 5:32 AM 4/6/2014



Palestinians will Face 'Tsunami' of Legal Charges at Hague

Global Agenda 7:37 PM 4/6/2014

Legal NGO chief vows to hit Hamas and Fatah with charges of terrorism once Palestinians join the International Criminal Court.



Protests Force University to Cancel Terrorist's Speech

Victory for protesters as Mohammed Canaana will now not speak on Tel Aviv U. campus - but Land Day activities will be allowed.



Barkat: The world must take Jerusalem off the negotiating table forever
Jerusalem mayor says capital's Arab population is coming to realization that they are better off in an undivided Jerusalem ruled by Israel.



Anti-Zionism: heir apparent to Nazism?

Does it convey a certain worldview? 



What is ideology but a body of beliefs with the power to stir up and mobilize people. The beliefs are not meant to be studied and understood, but to believe in with a burning faith.

Communism told the faithful to believe in a struggle between classes for political and economic power. Nazism mesmerized Germans to believe in a struggle between pure and impure races for world domination. And then came anti-Zionism…


To be heir-apparent to the earth-shaking isms of the 20th century, anti-Zionism must, as they did, convey a particular world view. For that matter so must Zionism if, as many would argue, it is the vilest ideology of all. It certainly is older than all. As a movement Zionism goes back to the last half of the 19th century, though as a faith, as the unwavering attachment of Jews and Judaism to a homeland, Zionism extends back to biblical days. Whether ideology is the right pigeonhole for it depends on the lessons we learn from anti-Zionism.


One who has thought as well as suffered.” So wrote the New York Times when Hannah Arendt published her seminal work, “The origins of Totalitarianism” in 1951. One could wish for no better class on ideology than that of the great political scientist Arendt.


Ideology, we learn from her, is first and foremost a body of beliefs. Not just some random beliefs; they must explain past and present, and predict the future, no matter how far removed from reality the beliefs happen to be. Indeed, if they were linked to reality there’d be nothing ideological about them.



God’s Divine Retribution against Those Who Are against Israel

Israel Uncensored's picture

Earl Cox

Earl Cox is an international broadcaster and journalist who has served in senior level positions with four US presidents. Due to his outspoken support for Israel, he has been recognized by Prime Minister Netanyahu as a Good Will Ambassador from Israel to the Jewish and Christian communities around the world and named the Voice of Israel to America by former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.


A group of Israeli rabbis has issued an open letter warning that the United States Secretary of State John Kerry’s reckless peace efforts, if they should come to fruition, “will result in divine retribution” against those involved.  Kerry’s “incessant efforts to expropriate integral parts of the Holy Land and hand them over to Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian terrorist gang amounts to a declaration of war against the Creator and Ruler of the universe,” according to the rabbis’ statement.


The rabbis further stated that if Kerry continues on the path that he is on risks going down in history like Nebuchadnezzar and the Roman Emperor Titus, who “by heavenly punishment brought eventual destruction upon themselves for implementing destructive policies against Israel and the Jews.”


We, as Christians, believe that our God is ultimately in charge of the history of all the nations of the world.  However, He lets the rulers of the nations plot their own courses for the most part, good or bad.  God has on numerous times in history decided that the actions and deeds of a nation have gone beyond appropriate bounds, and He has definitely intervened with severe judgment.


It is true that several of these times God’s judgment has responded to nations that have mistreated Israel and/or the Jewish people.  Look toward Egypt.  They used to be the bright light of the Arab Middle East, but now they are no better than a struggling third world country.  What has happened to the Canaanites, the Philistines, and the other tiny nations that used to occupy the land that God gave to the Jewish people?  Obviously they have all disappeared.


What happened to that proud and powerful Adolph Hitler?  He never made it to a normal death.  However, we have often wondered how and why the nation and people of Germany seemed to escape retribution for their cruel annihilation of six million Jews.  Perhaps it is still ahead of them, perhaps not.  It is in God’s hands and in His plan.  What happened to the great British Empire?  It has fallen far from its lofty position as the greatest empire on the planet.  Certainly God had His hand in all of these judgments.


What about the Arab-Muslim neighbor nations of Israel today, and the so-called Palestinians?  How have they managed to lose five wars against an undersized, under equipped, and underdog military of Israel?  There is no explanation apart from the mighty hand of God intervening in these battles on behalf of the Jewish people and Israel.  The Palestinians are nothing more than a corrupt, terrorist infested, inept excuse for a “nation”.






After foreign minister says that he would rather call early elections than return to deal to release Palestinian terrorists, opposition MKs welcome prospect; Hatnua MK Mitzna says his party should leave coalition.



let be more correct by adding the Quote,Like this: "Christians"

The Knesset and Israel’s Christians


04/02/2014 22:54

As the state and the Church prepare together for the pope’s visit in two months, it is incumbent on us to examine whether we act, speak and write in good faith.

CHURCH of the Nativity in Bethlehem

CHURCH of the Nativity in Bethlehem Photo: REUTERS

Recently, the Justice and Peace Commission of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries in the Holy Land issued a strong statement criticizing the recent Knesset law that allows specifically for Christian (and other) representation on the employment advisory council. This Catholic document wouldn’t matter much, except for the fact that the World Council of Churches quoted from it a few days later, and repeated some of its most insidious untruths. And from there it has carried on to blogs and websites around the world. The ostensible heart of the issue is Arab-Christian identity in Israel.

I’m an Orthodox Jewish Israeli Zionist with great respect for Christianity and I have the privilege of working regularly and happily with Arab Christians on various projects.

So as a person who is neither Arab/ Palestinian nor Christian, I write these musings with great trepidation, aware that this is an internal conversation with high stakes. But when an internal dialogue about identity is turned into a platform from which a religious institution with great influence can launch unfounded attacks against the State of Israel and her legislature, the truth must be sought out.

First, the document argues that the state has overstepped its bounds and has no right to define the identity of Arab Christians on their behalf. But of course states constantly strive to categorize and label the identities of its citizens, in accord with their strategic interests, because that is what states do.

Naturally, it remains up to the individual to decide to what degree they will accept that ascribed identity.


again,let bare in mind ,it should be "Christian"

Antisemitism and Jewish Survival

Friday Apr 04, 2014

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Chapter One: A Christian Introduction to Christendom’s Jewish Problem

Despite twenty-nine chapters describing the evolution of a religion-based “problem” into a secular effort to exterminate each and every Jew alive in the twentieth century, the magnitude of the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem, its implications for Jewish survival anywhere in the Diaspora are so horrible as to hide entirely the living source both for the recent Holocaust and its future re-emergence. 


The Jewish Problem is scripture-based and theology described. And so long as religion governed in the west at least one theoretical possibility to escape persecution was conversion. That loophole closed when the west shed theocracy for secular nationalism. “Conversion” within the nation-state does not exist. Escape within secularism does not exist.


And so, to remind of sources, I conclude this discussion of my on-line manuscript, An American Holocaust? not with Chapter Twenty-nine, but with Chapter One: A Christian Introduction to Christendom’s Jewish Problem.




I. The Holocaust and the “myth” of Christian antisemitism


Is Christianity responsible for the Holocaust? How much responsibility should justifiably be laid at the doorstep of that religious family? Was it chance that the Holocaust took place in Europe, cradle of Old World Christendom; that the Holocaust was also called the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem? And how explain the silence of the remainder of Christendom as the persecution of the Jews unfolded: the failure of Christendom to extend refuge to Europe’s Jews fleeing the executioner? 





Isi Leibler

Blaming Israel for the collapse of the peace negotiations

When the Palestinians signal willingness to conducting bona fide negotiations, we will respond positively and again demonstrate a willingness to make sacrifices to achieve a genuine peace.

Martin Indyk

US Secretary of State Kerry (R), US envoy Martin Indyk (C) with PA chief negotiator Saeb Erekat (L), March 3, 2014. Photo: REUTERS

All signs indicate that the moribund peace process has now formally collapsed.

Few Israelis will be surprised. The Obama administration was repeatedly cautioned that pressuring Israel and appeasing the intransigent Palestinians would only result in greater demands on Israel. That is precisely what happened. After Israel succumbed (unwisely, in my opinion,) to US Secretary of State John Kerry’s pressure to release 100 mass murderers in order to “bribe” the Palestinians to merely agree to negotiate, what did we get in return?

The Palestinians immediately demanded that Israel consider the unauthorized offers extended to them by former prime minister Olmert (which they had rejected), as an opening benchmark for negotiations.

Throughout the entire “negotiating” period, the Palestinians refused to make a single concession. Instead, they intensified incitement against Israel by hailing the released mass murderers as national heroes, providing them with pensions and glorifying their ghoulish murders on PA-controlled television.


Different from all other States

by Michael Ordman



As we approach the Jewish festival of Passover and the night that is “different from all other nights”, it is appropriate that there is much in the recent news that positively distinguishes the Jewish State from the norm.


In medical news, Israelis have been developing some unique treatments and devices that will make a big difference to the lives of the chronically sick.  The Renaissance Guidance System developed by Israel’s Mazor Robotics allowed doctors in Denver to perform the first ever Deep Brain Stimulation procedure on a patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease – whilst he was asleep!  The 65-year-old patient responded well to the treatment.  Lupus sufferers eagerly await the next Phase II trials by Israeli biotech XTL Biopharmaceuticals of hCDR1 (Edratide) - the first new treatment for Lupus in 50 years.  And scientists at Israel’s Technion continually “think outside of the box”.  They have been using a 3D scanner to develop unique objects, including the first ever inhalation mask specially designed for babies.







Pro-Russian Demonstrators Take Over Ukraine Building


About 2,000 pro-Russian demonstrators took over a government building in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov, Sunday evening.

They raised the Russian flag above the building.

Participants in the rally, staged in Donetsk by supporters of the referendum on Donetsk Region's status, are seen on the regional administration building on April 6, 2014. (RIA Novosti / Irina Gorbaseva)

Pro-Russian protesters seize govt buildings in Ukraine's Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov

Thousands of people waving Russian flags flooded the streets of eastern Ukraine on Sunday. Demonstrators in the cities of Donetsk, Lugansk, and Kharkov seized state offices, while in Donetsk they also demanded an independence referendum. 525


This is a recent Article but relevant

Is singling out Israel for boycotts anti-Semitic?



Let the world judge Israel by a single standard and let the world judge those who condemn Israel by that same standard. By ALAN M. DERSHOWITZ



Asian leaders watching Obama's 'capitulation'

U.S. response to Crimean takeover gets
attention of Chinese, North Korean leaders


Reuters / Dado Ruvic

Big Brother’s Facebook: UK, US intelligence ‘infiltrating’ social media

American and British intelligence hope to take advantage of social media platforms, like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, in an effort to spread disinformation and propaganda, as well as potentially foment public protests, recent Snowden leaks claim. 101


Reuters / NASA

NASA releases sensational solar flare footage (VIDEO)

A spectacular mid-level solar flare was captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which released stunning footage of the looping whip of fire. 8


The Aegis cruiser USS San Jacinto (CG 56) (AFP Photo / US Navy / MC2 Mike DiMestico)

US to boost naval presence in Asia-Pacific, citing N. Korea threat



Thousands of Ukrainian Soldiers in Crimea Apply For Russian Citizenship


Most Ukrainian soldiers on service in Crimea voiced their wish to join the Russian Armed Forces and they were granted this opportunity, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Friday.




MELANIE PHILLIPS: No one has a human right to hide from justice behind a veil

Last week, Birmingham Metropolitan College dropped its ban on female students wearing the Islamic veil that covers the whole face except for the eyes, or even covers the eyes as well with a mesh

15/09/13 22:12

A liberal society should permit cultural or religious minorities to wear distinctive clothing - but only if that doesn’t get in the way of an institution’s ability to enforce basic standards of security, which the full veil most definitely does, since it obscures the identity of the person beneath the covering. But it does more even than that. It destroys nothing less than the presumption of equality on which human communication is


Recent articles by Melanie

How the West was fooled by Iran

By Melanie Phillips, March 20, 2014

It is now clear that the West will allow absolutely no evidence, however devastating, to prevent a deal being signed with Iran over its nuclear programme.


Scarlett, soda and Samaria

By Melanie Phillips, February 6, 2014

Rarely can the off-screen performance of a Hollywood star have had such a galvanic effect upon the morale of a besieged group of people.



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