Monday, April 7, 2014

FW: Erekat: Hamas Not, and Never Was, a Terror Group



From: []
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 11:46 AM
Subject: Erekat: Hamas Not, and Never Was, a Terror Group



I begin this Update with reflections on Israel's Desperate Hour of Need  during the 1973 Yom Kippur War ,and how One President overruled all the Obstacles opposition  and bad advise mounted against him, to Supply Israel with what Israel needed in order to be saved from destruction.For Nixon,This was crucial , that the US Must give Israel everything and more, to safeguard the survival of Israel.

God must have smiled on Nixon during that Period of time.

Kisinger here was given more credit than he deserved..I heard the other side of this story which this Book doesn't cover..but what is clear is that it was Nixon who made the big difference and Israel will be forever  grateful to his leadership during those trying days for the Jewish State. Nixon had problems with Individual Jews but his commitment to Israel's Survval was Solid!. in this respect, we can Firmly say of Nixon,Cometh the hour cometh the man.


"Nixon ordered the greatest American resupply effort of an ally at war, and in desperate need, in history. The resupply effort had to be done by airlift. Time was of the essence. Compounding the difficulty of resupply, every European country, NATO ally or not, denied the United States permission to land, refuel and continue on to help Israel. The even denied American planes over-flight permission. The Europeans were terrified of the Arab Oil Embargo Weapon..."


how the drama  unfolded. 

Defense Sec. James Schlesinger
Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger opposed Secretary of State Kissinger at every opportunity. “Schlesinger shared the anti-Israel position of his deputy secretary of defense, William Clements, “a Texas oilman with pro-Arab sympathies,” and that together they, precipitated a four-day delay in starting a weapons airlift to resupply Israel after its initial war losses. General Alexander Haig, who served as President Nixon’s chief of staff during the Yom Kippur War, concurs: “Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger was not inclined to help the Israelis,” says Haig.”11
President Nixon emphatically ordered the resupply of Israel take place. Schlesinger objected to the depletion of American supplies, war materials, even stripping them from active units and giving Israel the absolute latest in technology. He felt that Israel could take of itself and did not want to leave America vulnerable to anything. He knew, but disregarded the fact, that the Soviets were stripping their own active units to get every weapon of every sort to the Arabs. America was not at risk any more than the Soviets were.
Under direct orders from Nixon, Schlesinger acted efficiently and effectively to resupply Israel. Operation Nickel Grass, the air resupply of Israel, began with earnest by October 12. Hundreds of American jumbo military aircraft ferried 22,000 tons of supplies to Israel. In the bellies of the giant cargo planes were entire tanks, Phantom jets, tons of munitions and SAMs.
General George S. Brown, the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff anticipated Nixon’s orders and began preparing the giant airships even before formally ordered to do so.
“Many people have credited Brown with anticipating the President’s decision to send munitions and even F-4’s to Israel. Ironically, only one year later Brown would be pilloried by the Jewish War Veterans and the Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai Brith for comments he made in an address at the Duke University Law School.....


...Watergate consumed Nixon’s domestic focus. He was comfortable letting Henry Kissinger, his Secretary of State, run the international front as long as Kissinger knew he, Nixon, was the president. Kissinger kept Nixon closely advised on the unfolding Israeli disaster.
The White House meeting of October 9:
American resupply
“As preoccupied as he was with Watergate, Nixon came straight to the point, announcing that Israel must not lose the war. He ordered that the deliveries of supplies, including aircraft, be sped up and that Israel be told that it could freely expend all of its consumables — ammunition, spare parts, fuel, and so forth — in the certain knowledge that these would be completely replenished by the United States without any delay.
White House Chief of Staff Alexander Haig concurred:
As soon as the scope and pattern of Israeli battle losses emerged, Nixon ordered that all destroyed equipment be made up out of U.S. stockpiles, using the very best weapons America possessed. . . . Whatever it takes, he told Kissinger . . . save Israel.
“It was Nixon who did it,” recalled Nixon’s acting special counsel, Leonard Garment. “I was there. As [bureaucratic bickering between the State and Defense departments] was going back and forth, Nixon said, this is insane. . . . He just ordered Kissinger, “Get your ass out of here and tell those people to move.”
When Schlesinger initially wanted to send just three transports to Israel because he feared anything more would alarm the Arabs and the Soviets, Nixon snapped: “We are going to get blamed just as much for three as for 300. . . . Get them in the air, now.”
Haig, in his memoir Inner Circles, wrote that Nixon, frustrated with the initial delays in implementing the airlift and aware that the Soviets had begun airlifting supplies to Egypt and Syria, summoned Kissinger and Schlesinger to the Oval Office on October 12 and “banished all excuses.”
The president asked Kissinger for a precise accounting of Israel’s military needs, and Kissinger proceeded to read aloud from an itemized list.
“Double it,” Nixon ordered. “Now get the hell out of here and get the job done.”
Later, informed of yet another delay — this one because of disagreements in the Pentagon over the type of planes to be used for the airlift — an incensed Nixon shouted at Kissinger, “[Expletive] it, use every one we have. Tell them to send everything that can fly.
Nixon acted despite threats of reprisal by Arab oil producers — indeed, the day after Nixon asked Congress for an emergency appropriation of $2.2 billion for Israel; Saudi Arabia’s King Faisal announced an embargo of oil to the U.S. — not to mention Europe’s overwhelming opposition to aiding Israel.”8
“For all of Kissinger’s gamesmanship, when it got down to the crunch, it would be Nixon who made the crucial decision.”9Nixon would not tolerate his administrations internal dissention when his mind was made up as to policy..................."



MK Zoabi's Relative: I'm a Zionist Arab; Jews are Great

Muhammad Zoabi, 16, angers his famous relative by stating eloquently that Israeli Arabs should be thankful for the Jewish state.

By Gil Ronen

First Publish: 4/7/2014, 2:46 PM


Muhammad Zoabi, 16, an Arab Muslim from Nazareth, is causing anger in Muslim circles, and considerable joy in Jewish ones, by stating in a unique interview that he is a Zionist and loves the state of Israel.

"I really believe that I'm a lucky Arab and a lucky human being and a lucky Middle Eastern[er] that I was born in this little tiny piece of land!”, he stated. Pointing to the Golan Heights from the window of his interviewer's home, in the Israeli community of Massad, he noted how bad life is beyond the border, for Syrians.


People in Syria are being killed because they want freedom, Muhammad said. but in Israel, he explained to interviewer Susan Deane Taylor-Gol, “we are living freedom, freedom is our life! No one can take our freedom... We're the hope in the region. I think that if the Syrians and the Egyptians, and the Lebanese and the Jordanians and all of our neighbors want to have a really democratic life, they should come to us, and they are more than welcome!”

Zoabi explained that it is not easy to be a Muslim Zionist. He said that “the bad sides” of Arab culture have taken control of the society, that he has been attacked several times for his views, and that some people call him a traitor, or even “a Jew.” He added with a smile that he cannot understand how people could see the word “Jew” as an insult, when the Jews only recently emerged from a situation in which they were being ruthlessly slaughtered, to one in which they are “one of the smartest and strongest nations in the world.”

MK Hanin Zouabi (Balad) responded to Muhammad's pro-Israel Facebook page and video by saying that “the state of Israel has trained him into obedience. Sometimes, the oppressed identifies with the oppressor because he lacks pride and political awareness.”

Muhammad is unfazed by such statements and vows to “stand with the Jewish people until the last day of my life.” 

watch the video here @


Erekat: Hamas Not, and Never Was, a Terror Group

The PA, controlled by the Fatah terror group, is once again trying its hand at “unification” with its sister terror group, Hamas.

By David Lev

First Publish: 4/7/2014, 1:45 AM


Saeb Erekat

Saeb Erekat

Flash 90

The Palestinian Authority, controlled by the Fatah terror group, is once again trying its hand at “unification” with its sister terror group, Hamas. As a sign of Fatah's “goodwill,” Saeb Erekat, the PA's top negotiator and a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, called on Hamas to implement all previous agreements with Fatah in order to “fight together against Israel.”

Erekat made the comments Saturday at a conference titled “The Strategy of Resistance.” Erekat said that “we demand that Hamas, more than ever before, implement the Cairo and Doha agreements. The political movements have an obligation to resolve their differences at the ballot box, and not through bullets.”.


after the Statement in the above Article,why Bother to even meet?

Both sides expected to meet again on Monday, with Livni representing the Israeli side and Saeb Erekat representing the Ramallah government.



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Outrage As Municipality Turns Jerusalem Into 'Damascus'

Arabic-only public signs painted just seconds away from Municipality buildings; signs break law by not including Hebrew.




Kerry Has Failed, But Will We Move On?

Published: Sunday, April 06, 2014 4:42 PM

The fanatic belief in the 'two-state solution' is rarely questioned - but if we truly wish to get out of this mess, it's time to abandon it. With the rapid collapse of the latest talks, now is the perfect time for serious introspection.


Ari Soffer, A7 Managing Editor


Earlier this year, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon famously drew US ire after branding American Secretary of State John Kerry as "obsessive and messianic" for his relentless push towards a negotiated "two-state solution" between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

It is still not known precisely what was discussed at the countless meetings - cast behind a shroud of secrecy at Kerry's request - between the sides. Nevertheless, it played out with an almost infuriating inevitability: pointless prisoner releases by Israel; one Palestinian violation after the other (from leaks to the press to threats, eventually fulfilled, of unilateral action) which were unsurprisingly ignored or whitewashed; knee-jerk condemnation of Israeli building in Judea and Samaria, even though a building freeze 0as%20the%20first%20step%20to%20her%20annihilation%20-%20a%20reenactment%20of%20Mohammed%27s%20Treaty%20of%20Hudabayya.%20%20But%20simple%20precedent%20suggests%20that%20the%20notion%20of%20partition%20as%20a%20solution%20is%20a%20non-starter.%20%20Partition%20has%20been%20tried%20again%20and%20again%20to%20no%20avail.%20In%201922%2077%%20of%20the%20land%20allocated%20for%20a%20Jewish%20state%20was%20partitioned%20away%20to%20become%20an%20Arab%20Palestinian%20state%20%28known%20today%20as%20Jordan%29.%20Still%20the%20conflict%20continued.%20In%20the%201930s%20and%2040,%20the%20Peel%20and%20UN%20partition%20plans%20respectively%20would%20have%20given%20the%20Arabs%20a%20far%20more%20generous%20settlement%20than%20what%20is%20today%20referred%20to%20as%20the%20%221967%20lines%22%20-%20and%20still%20they%20refused.%20%20Our%20own%20generation%20has%20witnessed%20the%20abject%20failure%20of%20each%20and%20every%20attempt%20to%20reach%20a%20%22final%20agreement%22%20between%20the%20sides%20based%20on%20the%20%22two%20state%20solution%22%20template%20-%20only%20for%20%22world%20leaders%22%20to%20shrug%20their%20shoulders%20and%20try%20running%20into%20the%20same%20brick%20wall%20time%20and%20time%20again.%20%20With%20the%20collapse,%20again,%20of%20peace%20talks%20there%20really%20are%20only%20two%20ways%20forward" target=_blank>Jeb Bush: I'll Decide on 2016 This Year

·  ·  Romney May Enter 2016 Race

·  ·  Dick Morris: GOP Leads in 7, McConnell in Trouble

·  ·  Ben Carson: Liberals Ignore Black Conservatives



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